why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or
loss account, ( u either get profit or loss )

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / megha arora

Profit & Loss A/C shows the net profit of the
Organisation.An oraganistion earns profit for
oprating,financing&investing activities etc.May be it be
the case that there may be loss from one activity and
profit from others and vice-versa.So P&L consists of both
loss as welll as Profit.That's why known as P&L not Por L

Is This Answer Correct ?    159 Yes 28 No

why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / sankari varadarajan

The profit and loss account shows the particulars through which the profit or income has been earned by an organization like any income received for the work that has been done. And at the same time, it also shows the particulars (like depreciation, bad debts) through which the firm's profit may get reduced or may incur loss. As it shows both the profit generating item and loss generating item at the same time and in the same account, it is known as profit AND loss account.

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / ronald antony t

Because P&L a/c records profits earned by business and loss incurred to business

And Net Profit/loss is just balancing fig of abow insted of transfering all profits and loss we are just transfering Net Balance

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 7 No

why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / jovita

because we enter profits and losses in the p&l a/c
e.g: profit on sale of investment
loss on sale of machinery etc

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / c a indudhara

It is called as "Profit and loss"not "profit or loss" why because.
Profit and loss account contains both profit from some operations and loss from some operation ex: profit on sale of asset and loss on sale of investments

As this statement contains both the thing, so it is called as Profit and Loss account

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / ranjitha ravishetty

It can show only one item either profit or loss not both

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / cr group

From Busineess Active ,you got profit from one activity ,loss from another activity so over all u got profit or loss

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / sujit

Because, we may get profit in the Trading account but due to the operation activity we might have loss in the manufacturing account, so we call it profit and loss account instead of profit or loss account.

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / prasant m

how much profit excess over expenses and losses or how much
expenses excess over profit,exactly can say,all the gains
and losses are collected in order to ascertain the excess of
gains over the losses or vice-versa. second Q is why not
Profit or Loss ,every word not denominate just from air dear
friend,there was some concept behind that that is the
difference between "And" and "OR",Every business has both
side effect if we will go each activities step by step, we
would find some transaction we have lost or spent more then
cost of goods and some cases gone according to business
motive so we can not say we got profit each transaction.
have a good day

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why is it called profit and loss account why not profit or loss account, ( u either get profit or ..

Answer / siva

the profit and loss account is not prepared every month of the year, and is prepared either quarterly or half yearly or else yearly. It is not necessary to incur profit during every period or else incur loss. And, as it comprises of bad debts , depreciation,etc., as its part,which are treated as loss sometimes in accounting, it is called as profit and loss account. The profit evolved in Profit and Loss account also carries losses of some periods. And i think, that is why we call it as Profit and Loss account and not as profit or loss account. This is what the reason, upto my knowledge.

If this is not correct, please place a reply.

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