what all are the items that comes under the personal

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what all are the items that comes under the personal account?..

Answer / kiran

Bank A/c, Raju's A/c etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 5 No

what all are the items that comes under the personal account?..

Answer / bharat bhushan sachdeva

Personal account include the account related to person and
person may be Human being, Artificial person (Like company,
firm, bank, institute etc) and representative personal (Like
prepaid expenses, outstanding expenses etc) all those which
comes under these three categories are come under the head
of personal account

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 7 No

what all are the items that comes under the personal account?..

Answer / c kumar


Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 9 No

what all are the items that comes under the personal account?..

Answer / satyaki_raju@yahoo.com

all the accounts related to persons,organisations formed
and maintained by persons and outstanding expenses will be
grouped under Personal accounts

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 4 No

what all are the items that comes under the personal account?..

Answer / gaurav

Personal Accounts:
Accounts recording transactions relating to individuals or firms
or company are known as personal accounts. Personal accounts
may further be classified as:
(i) Natural Person’s personal accounts: The accounts
recording transactions relating to individual human beings
e.g., Anand’s a/c, Ramesh’s a/c, Pankaj a/c are classified
as natural persons’ personal accounts.
(ii) Artificial Persons’ Personal accounts: The accounts
recording transactions relating to limited companies,
bank, firm, institution, club, etc., Delhi Cloth Mill; M/s
Sahoo & Sahoo; Hans Raj College; Gymkhana Club are
classified as artificial persons’ personal accounts.
(iii) Representative Personal Accounts: The accounts
recording transactions relating to the expenses and
incomes are classified as nominal accounts. But in certain
cases (due to the matching concept of accounting) the
amount, on a particular date, is payable to the individuals
or recoverable from individuals. Such amount (i) relates
to the particular head of expenditure or income and (ii)
represent persons to whom it is payable or from whom it
is recoverable. Such accounts are classified as
representative personal accounts e.g., “wages outstanding
account”, pre-paid Insurance account, etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

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