write a c program, using for loop, that accepts and odds two
numbers. The output must be the sum and the addens. This
should be repeated 5 times while the first number is
decremented by one and the second number is incremented by 1.

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write a c program, using for loop, that accepts and odds two numbers. The output must be the sum an..

Answer / ankur srivastava

void main()
{int a,b,m=1;
printf("enter the two no\n");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
printf("sum of %d and %d is %d \n",a,b,(a-- + b++));

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 7 No

write a c program, using for loop, that accepts and odds two numbers. The output must be the sum an..

Answer / sravan

void main()
{int a,b,m=1;
printf("enter the two no\n");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
printf("sum of %d and %d is %d \n",a,b,(a-- + b++));

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 7 No

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