What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / kavita

Test Case is a set of conditions under which a tester will
determine if a requirement upon an application is satisfied

Testing: Finding bugs, errors, defects in the application
by using testcases.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 4 No

What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / usha

Testcase is the step by step process to check whether the
requirement is satisfied.
Testing is to ensure that the application is performing
well as per the requirement.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / sohail

Testing is what we do to Surface or find the bugs in an

Test cases are the means to find bugs during testing. These
are like conditions with scenarios and expected results.

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / shiv shirsat

Test Case is a set of conditions under which a tester will
determine if a requirement upon an application is satisfied

Testing is process used to identfy corectness,
completeness, Quality & security of computer application

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / suseentheran

What is test case?
for this question I agree with Kavitha's answer.

What is Testing?

As for as IEEE norms

Testing is a process of examining the behavior of a
application by executing a program using a sample data set.

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / chil4u

Test Case is an idea of the TEST ENGINEER, to test some
thing based on the customers requirements.

Testing is the process in which the defects are identified,
isolated, subjected for rectification and ensured that the
project is defect free inorder to produce a quality product
and hence the customers satisfaction.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / patwari

Test Case is a set of conditions under which a tester will
determine if a requirement upon an application is satisfied

Testing: Finding bugs, errors, defects in the application
by using testcases

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / maqdum

test case:-writing the procedure of the functions of the
applications systematically step by step is known as test case.

Testing :-checking the verifiying behaviour of the
application is known as testing.

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / shrinivasbt

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which
a tester will determine whether an application or software
system is working correctly or not.

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What is the Test Case?What is the Testing?..

Answer / thiyagarajan

Testing is the activity to test the product with errorfree.

Test case:
Test case is the set of conditions under which the tester
can check the client requirements by giving the possible

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

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