formula for finding distance
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What is meant by a diurnal cycle?
What is the procedure for publication of research papers in Indian Journals & foreign Journals?Is it possible if any of the authority of that Research Journal publish my research paper by his name?In that case how to be safe from these malpractices?
alluvail fans are desites left by what?
What is a seismograph and how does it function?
Define curie temperature?
For creation of light energy what the inputs are required, how the light energy is created?
What is the procedure to apply research papers leading to get Noble Prizes? I have developed a new theory on Earthquakes and willing to get it published in some International Journals.Can any one guide me where and how to send my research papers for publications?
What causes the earth's oblateness?
how would you describe your self?
What is a harmonic tremor?
What are the types of problems addressed?
aap ias ban ke kya kar rhe hai