Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / sai

public is used so that it can be called easily from outside
the scope of function.Static is used so that it can be
easily called without using its object.

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 7 No

Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / rana

As we know public means we can access the method from
anywhere.Coming to static:- main() is a static method
therefore it implies that there is no need of creating
Object for that particular class to call this method.So
that when ever u run the program the Jvm will search for
main() in the class even there r no class objects created
for this class.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 7 No

Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / ravikiran(aptech mumbai)

public means we are allowing the main method to be accessed
any where in the application.and is declared static because
jvm will look for the static one's once it completes the
loading the class.

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / abhijit

public means-accessable from anywhere
static means-the point ,from where compilar can start its
compilation without object.

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / manya

main function is used for two purposes:-1)when you have to
write a recursion code.2)to use command line arguments

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / balaji kumar

public - it can be access outside of the(class, package,
subclass and world).

Static- It is used to run a method without any references of
a class. Then JVM will check all the 'static' methods in
"main class" and run the main method from those.

void- main method always has no return value to outside
methods or others. so it uses void keyword.

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / rameshreddy.k

As we know public means we can access the method from
anywhere. in a java we want call method by using class
object. But main() is also method .that main() is there one
class but jVM execute program trough main() method with out
creating object main() method call thats way we use public
static the main function
thanks& regargs

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / bheemrao

if we don't use public in main method jvm is looked for main
method but does not found.so run time error will occurred
"main() method must be declared as public". why its static
means in java we can execute methods with object.if we use
static it will execute without object.

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / shekhar chauhan

public static void main()- firstly, public which r used
globly access this method in our whole progam. and static
basically used for that we can used only one main method in
whole program.we can not create object that class. so we
make static main method.

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Why do we use public static with the main function in Java?..

Answer / saikat chowdhury

'public' keyword is an access specifier.It means you can access anywhere of the program using this specifier.When we use in the main function it can be access outside of the(class, package,subclass.'Static' also a keyword.When we use this in the main function that means you do not need to create the object of static.

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