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Photon Interview Questions
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What is the difference between for & foreach, exec & system?

9 32260

What is a hash?

6 11977

How can we increase the execution time of a PHP script?

12 33096

How can I retrieve values from one database server and store them in other database server using PHP?

2 12456

What is Alpha and Beta Testing?

37 180024

how the action can be map from jsp page to bean class in mvc1

1 2396

whats is stored procedure,joins

1 3257

. In a single throw of a pair of dice what is the probability of getting a sum of 8? (a) 8/12 (b) 1/36 (c) 4/36 (d) 5/36

1 3565

A box consists of 12 poles and 7 pices of nets totally weighing 1.75pounds. If each pole weighs .07 pound and each piece of net weighs .12 pounds. What is the weight of empty box

14 16000

Any one can send the Test Plan Tempelate to this id

1 4041

In real time project which driver did u use? What is the main functionality of the Prepared Statement?

3 6490

what is the use of custom tags? with example?

1 4128

what is the life cycle of jsp?

3 7203

what are the jsp tags with example?

1 4594

how to transactions(Bank transactions) in business process in ejb?

1 3889

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Un-Answered Questions

Why you want to join Honeywell?


can cubes contain measures ?


What is audit information system?


How does insertion sort works?


How does hashmap work in java ?


Why use triggers in sql?


Talend is written in which language?


what is the difference between active & reactive power?


What are the types of queues?


Tell me can a business process be used as a navigator home page?


What are the standard isolation levels defined by JDBC?


What is the use of try square?


what is the transiant condition in alternator? and how it can be prevanted?


Explain the code behind wors and contrast that using the inline style.


Explain custom action?