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ICA Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Why are you changing your Job?

4 19419

What is TDS

143 304158

What is the difference betwn "Inventory" and "Stock".

11 64505

AS 2 deals with

2 5160

a bill for Rs.250 accepted by pritam, a costomer was passed through bills payble book (what will be the correct entry)

1 3114

pls tell me tds new rate 1/10/09

1 4686

tell me the various standerd of CT ratio

1 3832

For the Allahabad Clerical interview there is a question in the bio data form whether I have been already called for interview/selected in any Bank/Organization. I have appeared in the SBI clerical interview, so what should I write for that question. Plz someone suggest as soon as possible

1 3503

what will be the journal entry for this transaction? purchased furniture for personal use of rupees 2000. now tell me is it business transaction or a personal transaction??

3 12108

What will be the Journal entry for these transaction- Sold goods costing Rs.20,000 for Rs.30,000 on cash

15 55478

The following are the transactions with respect to goods traded by Gopal- i) Purchased goods worth Rs.50,000 on 1-1-2005 for cash ii) Sold goods costing Rs.20,000 for Rs.30,000 on cash iii) Bought goods Rs.45,000 from Suresh & Co on credit iv) Paid Rs.30,000 to Suresh who gave us a discount of Rs1,000 v) Sold goods Rs.23,000 but their cost is Rs.12,000 for cash vi) Sold goods to Gangadhar for Rs12,000 on credit,(cost Rs 9000) vii) Received cash from Gangadhar Rs.11,500 in full settlement. viii) Paid carriage charges on the goods purchased Rs.2,000. Find out the closing stock as on 31 -1-2005. Also, find how much is still due to Suresh?

14 16931

mr. x earns a salary of rs. 34000 p.m, but mr. x assures that he is going to produce investment suppoting of rs. 69000 eligible u/s 80C but fails to produce how to throughtout the F.Y ho to calculate tds per month???

1 3896

Managing Director personal income tax is company exp ? in which a/c ledger we should debit MD income tax amount ? Property tax is exp. or liabilities ?

3 6229

If in Baance sheet Furniture is given @ rs.1200000. and an adjustment tells that half of the building is used for residential purpose... then what is treatment in accounts?

1 3982

What is the capital of Argentina?


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write a prog using insert,update,delete in this manner as output? name: phno. add button phno. edit button delete button 2.


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A tablespace has a table with 30 extents in it. Is this bad? Why or why not.


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