Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time
with a example.And what doc. u require for it.And what r
the testing types u apply seriiiially on the

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Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time with a example.And what doc. u require for..

Answer / jason

See Test cases are derived from requirements and use cases.
Once use cases is ready a tester will create a test
tracability matrix and map it with the test cases.

We follow following types of testing :
UI Level Testing
Data Level
Servelet level Testing - absence of UI - Unix env

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Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time with a example.And what doc. u require for..

Answer / nits

Hi jason thanku very much.Can u specify whats done in these
testing types.I will be grateful 2 u.

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Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time with a example.And what doc. u require for..

Answer / swati

hi nits....can i have yr mail id.
i too hv applied for Quest. just want to share
about the intw

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Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time with a example.And what doc. u require for..

Answer / polu sujan kumar reddy

For example write a test case for submit

Username: ------------- F.R.S: accepts Upto 30 alphabets

Password -------------


1.enter username as blank and click on [SUBMIT] Expected result: Should display a popup msg Username should not be blank or Must enter Username

2.Enter Username as Invalid and click on [SUBMIT] Expected Result:Should display a popup msg Username should not be valid

3.Enter Username as 31(MAX+1) alphabets and click on [SUBMIT] Expected Result:Should display a popup msg Username Accepts Maximum of 30 alphabets only

4.Enter Username as 1(MIN) alphabets and click on [SUBMIT]
Expected result: Should display a popup msg Password should not be blank or Must enter Password

5.Enter Username as 30(MAX) alphabets and click on [SUBMIT]
Expected result: Should display a popup msg Password should not be blank or Must enter Password

these were test case for Username only same u write test cases for Password


Testing Types are(I Think)

Smoke Testing
Sanity Testing
System Level Testing
Re Testing
Database Testing
Cross Browser Testing
Automation Testing
User Acceptence Testing
Installation Testing

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