can u expect, major bugs in NET BANKING Project?
Modules Transaction Module, Customer Relation Module.

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can u expect, major bugs in NET BANKING Project? Modules Transaction Module, Customer Relation Modu..

Answer / sriniavs

1)sender account has possible to transfer the money
2)transfer funds is there or not
3)receiver account checking is is working
4)receiver bank IFCI code checking.
5)any one can not track the function.
6)receiver account number,transfer funds amount,receiver branch name and IFCI code fields are mandatory,without fill any one submit button is disabled and display an error please fill mandatory columns.
6)after send the transaction submit button is disable.

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can u expect, major bugs in NET BANKING Project? Modules Transaction Module, Customer Relation Modu..

Answer / sreenivas

Balance checking on account holder is it possible to transfer funds is possible.

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