difference between my-strcpy and strcpy ?

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difference between my-strcpy and strcpy ?..

Answer / vinod

There is nothing as my-strcpy,ur-strcpy etc...
u need to look at man page before doing anything silly..

As a programmer u need to understand naming conventions

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difference between my-strcpy and strcpy ?..

Answer / ningappa

strcpy is a library function and my-strcpy is a user
defined function......The function definition of strcpy
will be called when string.h library is added,whereas the
definition of my-strcpy has to be included by the user....

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difference between my-strcpy and strcpy ?..

Answer / shruti

yes there is nothing like my-strcpy..

i think u must have come accross some prog. in which a user
must have written a func. for string copy and named it as

strcppy is an in-built function for string copy.
the function body is present in string.h.

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