How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class
partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value analysis.?Plz explain in

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How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value ..

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad,kkd

for example I took Login Window . Here there are two
objects like user name , password.

specifications: in user name only Alphabets
(lower case, uppercase) allowed.and range 4 to 16


min = 4 -----pass E.C.P
valid invalid
max = 16-----Pass
min-1= 3------ fail A to Z Alphanumerics
min+1= 5-------pass a to z null
max-1= 15------pass numbers
max+1= 17------fail blank space
in the same way Password

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How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value ..

Answer / sabir

say we are workin gon web where there is field called as
the credit limit itminmimum is 5000 and max is 15000
then if we test this field then we take all possile vlaue
from -1 to2000or then that ,so it is not pratically
possible so what we are going do we are gonig diveied this
into 3 or class from this class we are going test,say in
the eg we can tke the values which are less then 5000 as
one class and the vlaues which are in between the 5000 and
15000 as one class and the vlaue more then 15000 as one
class the we take one sample from the each if pass this
then we say that there will aslo pass the test this eqa
about bva in the same eg we r going to test for the
4999,5001and 14999 ,15001 this called as the BVA
if r having any query u contact me at

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How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value ..

Answer / suganyadevi

Equivalance Partitioning Means
We have to Write 3 test cases for that
Example:the Range is 15 to 20
So we have to write 3 test cases
1.Below the range--->14
2.In between the Range-->16
3.Above the range-->21

Boundary valu Analysis Means
We have to Write 6 Test cases
Example:Range is 15 to 20
For 15:We have to write 3 test case
Below the Boundary->14
on the Boundary->15
Above the Boundary->16

For 20: We have to Write 3 test cases
Below the Boundary->19
on the Boundary->20
Above the Boundary->21

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How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value ..

Answer / muralidharan

Equivalence Partioning :
This is a test case test technique
used to derive the testcases for a subsiquent classes with
some condtions.

Boundary value analysis:
This is a black box test technique
which is used for writing the testcases for specific
boundaries followed in testing a application,and the
boundaries are lower boundary,on boundary and upper

Kindly mail me if im wrong !


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How will u write test cases based on EQA(Equivalance class partitioning) & BVA(Boundary value ..

Answer / pravati

In login scenario password field contains 1 to 5 numerics & @,#,$ special characters.
In BVA we test in entering password above 5 & below 1
But in ECP we partition the special characters into two equivalent class. that is we test when we enter @,#,$ special character it should access
and test when we enter %,&,* in password field it is denaied.

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