what is DHCP in networking clear it properly pls

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what is DHCP in networking clear it properly pls..

Answer / sameer_swnt

"DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol"

DHCP allows a computer to join an IP-based network without
having a pre-configured IP address. DHCP is a protocol that
assigns unique IP addresses to devices, then releases and
renews these addresses as devices leave and re-join the

DHCP assigns ip address through a pool of ip address
provided during DHCP configration.

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what is DHCP in networking clear it properly pls..

Answer / debendranath biswal

DHCP-Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
-DHCP alocate ip address to client during startup.
-DHCP typically used for reservison & allociaton of ip
address leased each & temparary in dhcp database.

-it provide 8day expirire of ip address lease.
-DHCP centrilisess the management of ip address allocation
o & reduce the human error & associate the ip address.

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what is DHCP in networking clear it properly pls..

Answer / vivek.rautela

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configure Protocol.
It assigns IP address to the clients when requested.
It also possess one important feature of reserving Ip
address for some special Client from the available pool of
Ip addresses.

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what is DHCP in networking clear it properly pls..

Answer / sukhwinder singh

DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a service which
automatically assigns the ip address to the client systems
in the network.

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