what the tester should do ,if there are bugs in the
requirements made by the business analyst?

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what the tester should do ,if there are bugs in the requirements made by the business analyst?..

Answer / mars

The question is vague. Do you mean errors in the
requirements? Requirements are only the statement of what a
system or functionality should look and act like. Or
perhaps you mean that the product does not conform to the
If there are alleged errors in the requirements, the tester
has no access to them. He may mention it to his supervisor
for clarification, but he is not required to. His only job
is to test if the product meets the requirements.
If the product does not conform to the requirements, then
the tester puts the details of the error in his report and
submits it to his supervisor.

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what the tester should do ,if there are bugs in the requirements made by the business analyst?..

Answer / suneel reddy

The Requirements will come to testee after Freezing from
Project Manager

When there is bug in req made by BA The Project Manager
will take care of thet
not by us

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what the tester should do ,if there are bugs in the requirements made by the business analyst?..

Answer / suneel reddy

The Requirements will come to testee after Freezing from
Project Manager

When there is bug in req made by BA The Project Manager
will take care of thet
not by us

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what the tester should do ,if there are bugs in the requirements made by the business analyst?..

Answer / venkat

Tester nothing will do.

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