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speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / harshita

smile :a smle is the most wonderful expression one can hold over a face. it is concidered to be healthy in a way but apart frm being helathy it tells us about the person as well.leterally,who would like to spend time with a dull,always full of negetive thoughts and staying afraid of everything but
considering a person full of possitivity ,energetic and a smile over a face would rather give you more confidence.its a matter of self conciousness

no wonder were sad at times but hey! this isnt the worst that could happen to you
think over it!

Is This Answer Correct ?    1308 Yes 107 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / suganya

I am going to share my views on the topic Music. Music is the one makes human relief from all the worries. In World, there will be more music listeners than movie watchers. Hearing good songs by the pregnant ladies, baby fetus also enjoys music and thereby it prepares mentally before its birth.
One day birth baby also sleeps by hearing the mothers song without even understanding the world !!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    762 Yes 86 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / shivani

i would like to talk on a topic that is MONEY, now a days money has become a power by which u can fulfill ur dreams, can accompany a luxurious life. everyone's dream is to have an atleast 5 digit money in their account, as I know money can not buy you a happiness but its much better to cry in a BMW rather than on a road. Money is become a status, if a person is rich he will be appreciated, no one asks for poor they just a sympathy for poor. so work hard and smart to be rich.

Is This Answer Correct ?    521 Yes 28 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / ramya reddy

I like to speak about smile, because i am a girl always wearing a smile on my face. smile is a wonderful expression which gives us positive energy, keeping sad or angry face doesn't gives us anything rather it gives negative thoughts and depression. consider the person always smiling attains positive thoughts and good friends aswell.
smile is also considered to be very healthy. so always keep smiling.

Is This Answer Correct ?    476 Yes 30 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / deva sri

Hi .. Gud eve to one and all present here...
Im happy to talk about the topic is Newspaper. Newspaper is nothing but is collection of varities of news from different fields like Politics ,Economic,Sports,Job related,Astrology,Upcoming things,Technology,Advertisement, Entertainments and more and more in it.Daily reading newspaper activity improves us to make Positive manners,Creativity and learning more things from that.Its just a paper .,,but it contains valuable things that ll b used in our life ..the news not only in states .. it also tells from all other country news.Through newspaper reading we can know what is currently going. Thats all.. Thanks for giving me such a wonderful opportunity for me.

Is This Answer Correct ?    412 Yes 20 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / karthik

WELL I Think that the 1st and best topic to speak in the interview is about books and Newspaper Because Books are my favourite companion to gain some knowledge and to attain some skills and also to know about other things and others Books are very useful for not only me but also for every mankind and the 2nd thing is about newspaper, it is the one has the power to mould a person not only in Basic skills but also in Gaining some General knowlegede about the outside world thus my parents and schooling teachers are will always motivate me to

culivate my Reading Habits with books and the news papers after i started listening to their words only i come to know about ultimate powers of books and news papers it made me into a complet man like how to speak with others, how to face an difficult situation, how to tackle others in words and about self confidence, self awarness and also thought me how to behave with self respect and with good manners and more and more to tell..........

so i always think that the books are my Best Friend in my life and i also request my friends to follow them i Hope you will also do the same

Is This Answer Correct ?    291 Yes 34 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / sushma

hi my name is aswini, i want to share my view on friendship now a days we can find real friends very rarely , many people were betrayed by simply believing their friends blindly ,used to give more importance to them than their parents , going out spending lot of money to them ..., not all friends but few might act as that they were real friends to us , few people makes friendship just by seeing your money , beauty , knowledge etc , but few they wont expect anything in return and just helps you in every situation it is very hard to find such friends and some were really lucky to have such friends in your life and finally friends i suggest u all make friends but dont believe blindly and give more importance to them than your parents and dont share your secrets with them untill and unless u know their character .

Is This Answer Correct ?    226 Yes 14 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / anish pillai

Hi everyone my name is Anish & my topic is about Digital Empowerment. Digital India brings to fruition the ambition National e-Governance Plan which was launched early as in 2006.Digital India programme , the ultimate power is in hands of the people.Information is now on their finger tips.Be it applying for a simple ration card or passport or be it knowing the status of their application, they won't have to bear the brunt of a procrastinating bureaucracy which used to take years to settle a simple claim of pension or gratuity.Digital India programme is beginning of a new epoch in e-governance by providing digital connectivity to people and online delivery of services.

Is This Answer Correct ?    99 Yes 19 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / sindhuja bingi

Hi........ My name is sindhuja bingi.
Here i would like to tell about my college days... i miss my friends a lot. At my college days i had a best batch that every faculty would loved and we had a great facilities in our college. I was participated in some activities like women's day and engineer's day. We all were done some nasty things also like college massbunk, ans sitting in the last bench and chitchat with friends, gossips etc... and also we had best faculty that who were encourage in ant activities. ofcourse all this happens in everybody's life but the feeling is very special to individually. so finally i would love to say that i had best college days in my life and i miss all the stuff which i was enjoyed in my college
Thank you....

Is This Answer Correct ?    79 Yes 8 No

speak for 2 minutes on some topic..

Answer / babu

Christmas is one of the major festival for the Christians. mainly this festival was celebrate in states with praying god. on that day all the members are wearing new clothes and go to the church heart fully praying god. all the members are worship the god and they asked forgiveness to that all the people are dipping in enjoyed with fully happiness. they telling one member to another member Christimas whishes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    151 Yes 83 No

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