what is testing techniques,testing methodology,test
packs,how are they differentiated?

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what is testing techniques,testing methodology,test packs,how are they differentiated?..

Answer / pbalaji

Testing Technique is the procedure you undertake to test a
given software for example black box and white box testing.
Testing methodologies are the ways in which you test a
software such as unit testing,integration testing.
Test Packs are the complete set of test cases and test
scenarios for testing a given software.

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what is testing techniques,testing methodology,test packs,how are they differentiated?..

Answer / nagaraj gurikar

testing technique:is a procedure we fallow to test the

testing methodology:what are the methods we fallow to test
the application ex: white box testing and black box testing

test packs:collection of test cases and test scenarios for
the application

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what is testing techniques,testing methodology,test packs,how are they differentiated?..

Answer / rajendra

balaji is correct


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