find the odd man out in below testing techniques.
a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery testing
d.integration testing
also tell me why?

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find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / santosh

d.Integration testing.. because all other testing can
performed once system/application is table and whole
devlopment work over. But Integration testing we can do
even if devlopment is in progress using stub or driver.

Let me know if you have any other thought

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find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / girish

Its Integration testing
There are 2 types of requirements 1.Functional Requirements
2.Non-Functional Requirements
The load,stress and recovery are testing the performance of
the application and fall under the Non-Functional
Requirements testing
The Integration tesing is to insure that when the different
modules are connected together there is correct data flow
between the modules and all the modules are functioning
correctly hence this falls under the functional requirements

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / william_vijay

answer is integration testing actually the first three
testing comes under performance testing i.e whether the
system acepts multiple users' inputs with multiple
transactions in that testing we are not bothered much
about the functionality rather performance of the system
but in integration testing we will look for field level
validations and functionality of the module and emphasis is
given to both of them

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / dillipm

Integration Testing is one type of White Box testing.While
all others are black box testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / eveline

My name is eveline i saw your profile today at and i love it also became intrested in
you,i will also like to know you more,and i want you to send
an email directely to my email address so i can give you my
picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email
address( i believe we can move from love distance or colour does not matter but love
matters alot in life.i waiting to recive your lovely reply
soon, Yours Love.
Miss Eveline.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / bhargavi

Integration testing is to the verify the flow of data
between two interfaces within a module or between a modules
so its mainly concern with functionality of application and
it can be done even when development is still in progress.
But all other testing types mentioned above done only after
the complete development of the product and its used to
check the performance,limits and reliability of the application.

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find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery tes..

Answer / rumi

its integration testing bcoz this is a level of testing
while others are type of testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

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