Explain how can you be sure that a program follows the ansi c standard?
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What are the two types of structure?
What is the output of following program ? int main() { int x = 5; printf("%d %d %d\n", x, x << 2, x >> 2); }
what is c language.
Explain the use of #pragma exit?
3.write a simple program that will output your name,phone number,e-mail address,and academic major on separate lines 1.create an account and a personal directory for your work b.find out how to create a subdirectory on your system.create one called info c.you will use a text editor to type in your programs and data files.some C systems have a built in text editor;others do not.Find out what text editor you will be using and how to access it.create a text file(not a program) containing your name ,address,and telephone number on separate lines.Next,write the brand of computer you are using and the name of the text editor.Then write a paragraph that describes your past experience with computers.save this file in your info directory. d. find out how to print a file on your system .print out and turn in the file you created in (c).
Function to find the given number is a power of 2 or not?
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List some applications of c programming language?
What is strcpy() function?
struct node { int *a; char *b; char array[12]; }; struct node m,*n; assign the value in *a,*b,char array[12]
Write a Program to find whether the given number or string is palindrome.
Describe newline escape sequence with a sample program?