how can u draw a rectangle in C

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / rahul singh

Firstly we can use header file............

Steps to make rectangle in c.

1.Make main function
2.Detect graphic by using (int a=DETECT),(initgraph(&a,"c:\
3. Now use the value of x and y cordinates.
4. After that use the func. rectangle(int,int,int,int).
5. Now use line(0,0,0,0) set the value according to

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / sandeep mishra

With the help of

rectangle(int x1,int y1, int x2 ,int y2)

we pass 4 parameter x1 , y1 ,x2, y2 ;
where x1 is top left co-ordinate
y1 is top right co-ordinate
x2 is bottom left co-ordinate
y2 is bottom right co-ordinate

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / aishwarya

using initgraphics fn and rectangle(int left ,int top,int
right,int bottom)

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / ramesh b penchal

void main()
int driver,mode,x1,y1,x2,y2;
printf("Enter(x1,y1) and (x2,y2) co-ordinate values");
scanf("%d%d %d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2);

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / chinnadurai.s

Draws a rectangle (graphics mode)

void far rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
draw a rectangle in c using the header file for
#include<graphics.h> and using function for

for example

rectangle (int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
x1,x2,y1,y2 is an integer datatypes and given the values.


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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / dinesh


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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / ripesh

Three ways as far as I read throught web and book
1 Using printf
2 Using rectangle function(int,int,int,int)
3 Using line function with appropriate coordinates

It's up to you.. first one doesn't require mode to be set

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / ankit limbachiya


void main()
int gdrive=DETECT, gmode;

initgraph(&gdrive, &gmode, "c:\\turboc3\\bgi " );


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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / rakesh

#define n 5
#define m 4
int main()
{ int i,j;
{ printf("\n%c",179);
printf(" ");
printf(" %c",179);
you can change the dimensions by changing n and m.

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how can u draw a rectangle in C..

Answer / ankita vaidya

use #include<graphic.h> in the header file

den accept the 2 co-ordinates of opposite vertices of the diagonal

and use rectangle(int x.topleft,int y.topleft , int x.bottomright,int y.bottomright);

here (x.topleft.y.topleft) are co-ordinates of top-left vertex
and (x.bottomright,y.bottomright) are co ordinates of bottom right vertex.

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