What are the Scope Planning process tools and techniques?
A. Benefit/cost analysis, work breakdown structure templates, expert judgment, and supporting detail
B. Product analysis, benefit/cost analysis, alternatives identification, and expert judgment
C. Product analysis, work breakdown structure templates, supporting detail, and expert judgment
D. Benefit/cost analysis, alternatives identification, supporting detail, and expert judgment

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More Project Management Interview Questions

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The product description, strategic plan, project selection criteria, and historical information are considered: A. Inputs to the project Planning process B. Inputs to the project Overview process C. Inputs to the project Initiation process D. Inputs to the project Execution process

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You are the project manager working on a research project for a new drug treatment. Your preliminary project schedule runs past the due date for a federal grant application. The manager of the R&D department has agreed to release two resources to work on your project in order to meet the federal grant application date. This is an example of: A. Crashing B. Fast trucking C. Resource leveling D. Adjusting the resource calendar

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If you know expected value is 500 and the standard deviation is 12, you can say with approximately a 95 percent confidence rating which of the following? A. The activity will take between 488 and 512 days. B. The activity will take between 464 and 536 days. C. The activity will take between 494 and 506 days. D. The activity will take between 476 and 524 days.

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