How can we receive values from a called procedure in RPG?
What is ment by record level identifier?
1.I have a Physical file with 100 records, No duplicates exists, all are Unique,But while i am running Runqry utility i am getting only 80 records..What could be the reason?
The PGMA calls PGMB.PGMB generates a report.The report should contain the called program name(PGMA).How do i get the called program name in PGMB to print it on the spool file?(calling program name should NOT be hard coded or passed as parameter to called program?
How to change the name of physical members Dynamically?
One of the job in subsystem is in Running status,expected time to complete this job is 2 minutes. But from last 5 -10 minutes this job is still in running status....What are the possible reasons...and What are the actions i need to perform to check this...?
How to add 2 new fields in a file? How many ways are there in as400?
I have a Physical File name 'File1', which is present in two libraries named 'LIB1' & 'LIB2'. These 2 libraries are listed in the library list. Would like to access data from this file from these two libraries using RPG program. How to do this, any idea?
what is data area and how it is used in rpg program ?
1. Which Built-In-Function will you use to achieve the following functionality? CLONO1NO2NO3 Factorl÷÷+OpcdeFactor2++÷ResultLenDHHiLoEq C QTY IFLT *ZERO C QTY MULT -1 QTY C ENDIF a) %ABS b) %TRIM c) %TRIMS d) %UNS
what is file identifier wher we can use
Can anybody tell me that why we use option(*nodebugio)in H- Spec?
Let?s consider a variable X of length 20. Move value ?ABC? to it.How to determine how many characters does X have?