Main diff between varray and nested tablea

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Main diff between varray and nested tablea..

Answer / srinivas

We should give the maximum size when we declare the varry, and if u perform delete then it removes the values from the end, use this varray when u know the size

we no need to give the size when we declare the nested tables,we can remove the values any where from the nested table,use this when u don't know the size.

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Main diff between varray and nested tablea..

Answer / dandu devendra

Varray: constrain table.Basically this table dense by default indexs start with 1.
Nested table: unconstrain table.

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Main diff between varray and nested tablea..

Answer / prabu t

Varray -
Can be stored in the database.
Bounded (maximum length should be given).
Delete / Remove values only from the end.

Nested Tables -
Cannot be strored in the database.
Unbounded (No maximum length).
Delete / Remove values anywhere in the table.

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