difference between c/c++ programing language?
what is necessesity of c++ when existing c programing

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difference between c/c++ programing language? what is necessesity of c++ when existing c programing..

Answer / kavibharathi

The main reason is lengthy C programs lose "Global View" and
become very difficult to visualize as a single concept.

C++ is an advance than C lang which has more features...

But comparing efficiency C is more efficient than C++

But C++ has more flexibility than C.

Also C++ is both combination of OOP and OBP concepts.

C++ has more features as

1.Object oriented
2.Information hiding
3.Standard Template Library
5.Constructors & Destructors
6.Exception Handling

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difference between c/c++ programing language? what is necessesity of c++ when existing c programing..

Answer / sathiyabama t

Structures of C++ can have functions in them but C
structures can only have variables
For I/O C++ has iostream.h and C has stdio.h.

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