While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch
you eye immediately...

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / kk

While Scrutinizing the trial balance if the balance of a
particular account shows opposite from its nature. That
error will catch you eyes.

For Eg : In Trial Balance Depreciation account should show
Debit Balance. If it shows credit balance then it is error.
It will catch our eyes immeditely...

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / raju

Difference between the total of debit amounts and credit
amounts. Firt we have to check total of debit amount and
credit amount

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / ashish

Well according to me if we look at this question
pragmatically, the first mistake to catch our eye would be
the casting difference, if any in the Trial Balance.

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / deepak jain ca

in trial

we are see closing stock

closing stock not a part of trial

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / suhasini modagi

Well According to me while scrutinizing the Trial Balance ,
the very first comes 2 our reference is of gross profit,
bcz Trial bal is carry on of P and L A/c .
Plz rectify the answer

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / nagireddy

Expenses and asset will show Dr balances and Liabilities
and income will show credit balances. in TB if it is shown
vice versa then we can catch error easily

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / subhash pathak(accounting worl

While Scrutinizing the trial balance if the balance of a
particular account shows opposite from its nature. That
error will catch you eyes.

For Eg : In Trial Balance Depreciation account should show
Debit Balance. If it shows credit balance then it is error.
It will catch our eyes immeditely...

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While Scrutinizing the Trial Balance which error will catch you eye immediately.....

Answer / alpesh

while such a Q. comes the eyes always first goes on the
wheather the entry is of real or personal a/c/

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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