we compile any program bu c:/>javac prog.java
and run as c:/>java prog
Here what's the meaning of c in javac.
We have java Interpreter but not compiler.Then why we have
to use javac.
Please answer this question?

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we compile any program bu c:/>javac prog.java and run as c:/>java prog Here what's the ..

Answer / jony

The javac tool reads class and interface definitions,
written in the Java programming language, and compiles them
into bytecode class files.

Compiling a Java program means taking the
programmer-readable text in your program file (also called
source code) and converting it to bytecodes, which are
platform-independent instructions for the Java VM.

Once your program successfully compiles into Java bytecodes,
you can interpret and run applications on any Java VM.
Interpreting and running a Java program means invoking the
Java VM byte code interpreter, which converts the Java byte
codes to platform-dependent machine codes so your computer
can understand and run the program.

I hope this answer will help you....

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we compile any program bu c:/>javac prog.java and run as c:/>java prog Here what's the ..

Answer / sreejesh1987

In javac c refers to compiler. ie we are compiling with javac and then native byte code generated.

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