How do you work in a team situation?

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How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / ashwini.r

listen to the superiors..
learn new things....
help each other..appreciate each others work..
create a friendly environment...make it a happy place to
work in!!respect each others opinion...
All of the above can be called TEAM WORK in 1 WORD

Is This Answer Correct ?    65 Yes 1 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / meenu

All the information required in a project should be co-
ordinated, coummunicated amoung the team people, to achieve
accomplish the project at the specified time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 2 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer /

co-operation ,co-adination....easy moving

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 3 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / saffi

good determination, will power,co-operation,friendly
natureand dedication towards the work

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / gopal vats

I think in a team. One should be responsible for work which has been assigned to team. Always try to communicate with team member, appreciate to each other. always listen the team mate opinion. try to make good mutual understanding with each other so that we can develop the team bounding.   

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / laddu

I work for the company in the team but not for an individuals.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 6 No

How do you work in a team situation?..

Answer / laddu

I work for the company in the team but not for an individuals.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 7 No

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