1. Write a program using one dimensional array that
calculates the sum and average of the five input values from
the keyboard and prints the calculated sum and average.

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1. Write a program using one dimensional array that calculates the sum and average of the five inpu..

Answer / sreejesh1987

void main()
int i,sum=0,a[4];
float av;
printf("\t\t\tSUM & AVERAGE\n");
printf("Enter Five numbers:");


Is This Answer Correct ?    57 Yes 33 No

1. Write a program using one dimensional array that calculates the sum and average of the five inpu..

Answer / mhaine mercado

int i,n[5]
float sum,ave;

printf("\nEnter five numbers:");

printf("\nThe sum is: %f",sum);
printf("\nThe average is: %f",ave);


Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 19 No

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