what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and
Obeject Oriented design

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / ganesh karki

Difference Functional-oriented Approach v/s Object-oriented Design

1.FOD: The basic abstractions, which are given to the user, are real world functions.
OOD: The basic abstractions are not the real world functions but are the data abstraction where the real world entities are represented.

2.FOD: Functions are grouped together by which a higher level function is obtained.an eg of this technique isSA/SD.
OOD: Functions are grouped together on the basis of the data they operate since the classes are associated with their methods.

3.FOD: In this appproach the state information is often represented in a centralized shared memory.
OOD: In this approach the state information is not represented in a centralized memory but is implemented or distributed among the objects of the system.

4.FOD approach is mainly used for computation sensitive application,
OOD: whereas OOD approach is mainly used for evolving system which mimicks a business process or business case.

5. In FOD - we decompose in function/procedure level
OOD: - we decompose in class level

6. FOD: TOp down Approach
OOD: Bottom up approach

7. FOD: It views system as Black Box that performs high level function and later decompose it detailed function so to be maaped to modules.
OOD: Object-oriented design is the discipline of defining the objects and their interactions to solve a problem that was identified and documented during object-oriented analysis.

8. FOD: Begins by considering the use case diagrms and Scenarios.
OOD: Begins by identifiying objects and classes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    253 Yes 32 No

what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / anshuman

Function oriented design is dividing a bigger problem set
to small functional units and then
structure/organize/sequence these functional units to
design the solution.
OOD is identifying objects (entities) involved in the
system and designing solution based on their relationships
and interactions.
FOD approach is mainly used for computation sensitive
application, whereas OOD approach is mainly used for
evolving system which mimicks a business process or
business case.

Is This Answer Correct ?    75 Yes 23 No

what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / bijumon v g

I would like to update my previous answer.
In FOD - we decompose in function/procedure level
In OOD - we decompose in class level (so OO concepts comes

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / mithilesh sikhar

In fod the main program is divided into no.of small program
that program is called function.the FOD follows top to
bottom or bottom to top approach. Where as OOD pattern
follows OOP s concept. Every thing is being object
2. In FOD the function must retun a value. where as OOD an
object need not to be return a value

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 22 No

what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / jhansi yarnagula

Function oriented:
divide and conquer
Object orienteD:
person x-an object
he has a car.
car is an object y.
person x uses car for to drive....
that mean person-car should communicate throgh driving() method
in function oriented we can not communicate wth pblms... we r defining certain tasks..functions are independent :....no communication between one another....
tatsway ood is used to tell relationship and data flow between objects

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / bijumon v g

In a program, there is DATA and function/procedure. In both
design, the functions are arranged in a particular order so
that desired requirements are properly implemented. Main
difference between them lies in the case of
accessing/changing the data. In FOD, only scope
(global/local etc)controls whether a function can
access/change the data. But in OOD, inspite of the scope,
there is access modifiers (private/protected/public) -
encapsulation/data hiding - which restricts to
access/change the data.

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / sameercn

FOD required to return always some value. where are OOD can
return void, well return object is its advantage

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / debangshu chatterjee

in object oriented design decomposition of the system is in the object point of view while in FD decomposition of system is in functional point of view.OOD design identifies object and decompose complex objects into simpler objects while in FD same is done on function.more over unlike FD data is not centralized in OOD.object oriented design is good when there are fixed number of OPERATION on THINGS.while FD is good when there are fixed number of THINGS on which OPERATIONS are performed.thus in OOD implemetation is done by adding new classes which implement existing methods, and the existing classes are left alone, while in FD new functions are added on existing things.

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what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / biren chetry

Object oriented design Function oriented design Modeling
Objects are modeled based on real-world objects. For example
in a banking software the objects mimic real-world
equivalents like Account, Customer etc. Functions are
modeled on distinct and independent functionality. For
example in banking system the key functions include
transferFunds, checkBalance etc.
Objects are normally abstracted as nouns like Person,
Address etc.
Functions are usually abstracted as verbs like
subtractBalance, getAmount etc. State The state is usually
distributed among various objects. For example each of
objects Person, PersonAddress, PersonContact have its own
state The state is normally centralized and functions share
and access the state. For example Person details are stored
centrally in file or in database and multiple functions like
getPersonDetails, UpdatePeronAddress access the centralized
Objects are logically grouped based on their interaction
Functions are grouped based on their functionality. Multiple
sub functions can be grouped to form a bigger function.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 7 No

what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design..

Answer / amar d&

Basicaly the FOD is procedure centric approach in which
emphasis is on how to design Procedure It causes the
reproduction of the same systemin advance tech first
&thenenhansing them, which is time consuming as wellas
wrong approach, whereas the OO is a goal oriented .so it
fulfill al requirmentrs of user nd achive the goal.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 11 No

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