write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the
particular number such that other bits are not affected..
if bitnum=10(say.. it can be any no..

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write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / binu

YOU CAN SET OR CLEAR THE THIRD BIT without changing other bits

#define BIT3 (0X01<<3)
void main()
int a;
//set the third bit of a
//clear the third bit

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 1 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / ajay karanam

int main()
int number=0;
int bitTobeChanged=0;
int endResult=0;

printf("Enter the number\n");

printf("Enter the bit to be changed\n");


printf("End Result = %d\n",endResult);

return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 10 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / vasanth

hi Ajay... that is a great work.. well done.. but ur program
works only to change 0 to 1 of any bit but not 1 to 0..
anyhow good job...

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / om

void toggle_kth_bit_IMPROVED(int *n, int bitToBeChanged)

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write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / om

int change_third_bit_only(int n, int bitToBeChanged)
int k1=1<<(bitToBeChanged-1) ;
//This is same as// int k1=pow(2, bitToBeChanged-1);
int k2=~k1;
if((n & k1) == 0)
//This means bitToBeChanged th bit in number n is 0
n=n | k1; // here changing it to 1
else //otherwise the bitToBeChanged th bit in number n is 1
n=n & k2; // here changing it to 0

return n;

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / vadivel t

assume int holds 4bytes...

For ex:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 16;
if(i & 0x04)
/*3rd bit is set to 1- so reset it to 0 - other bits will
not be disturbed*/
i = i & 0xFFFFFFFFB;
printf("IN IF \n");
/*3rd bit is set to 0- So set it to 1 - other bits will
not be disturbed*/
i = i | 0x00000004;
printf("%d", i);
return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / ravikumar


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write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / gokulnaathan

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int data = 0x000000f0;
int bitpos = 4;
int bitvalue = 1;
unsigned int bit = data;
bit = (bit>>bitpos)&0x00000001;
int invbitvalue = 0x00000001&(~bitvalue);

if(bitvalue ==0)
data = (data^(invbitvalue<<bitpos));
printf("elseif %x\n",data);
data = (data|(bitvalue<<bitpos));
printf("else %x\n",data);


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / kishore batta

int main()
int number=0,set_bit=0,result=0;
printf("Enter the number:");
printf("which bit to be set?:");
printf("After setting the bit, the result is:%x
return 0;
Enter the number:1
which bit to be set?:4
After setting the bit, the result is:9

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not ..

Answer / vignesh1988i

it's not possible to change the bit individually by the user
.. the user doen't have permission..... it should not be
allowed for security purposes... then the data can be easily

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 26 No

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