how to measure static charge in processing of expandable polystyrene. explain - Units of static charge
1672We select 10mm nominal thickness for Elip head of a pressure vesel. The minimum thickness after forming is 8.2mm. (Shell thickness is 8mm. The minimum thickness after forming is satisfied or not with UG-79 (d)(3) in ASME SECTION VIII, Div.1?
2353Post New Mechanical Engineering Questions
what is procedure of measuring operating length of mechanical seal.(in case of centrifugel pump)
how does the lybrinth glands work in sealing a turbine? how exactly turbine sealing is done? principle of it?
how much capacity of id fan for 200HP induction motor
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What is mechanism?
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What is the main purpose of an airspeed indicator in an aircraft?
What will you do when scavenge fire happened?
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Any one please sent me a mahindra tractors model question papers.
How does hydraulic clutches work?
What is base design drawings?
Sketch the jacket cooling system?
What is short cycling in refrigeration system?