Testing Interview Questions
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what do you mean by Personel Effectiveness and how much it will be affected to Test engineer

1 3257

If you are using descriptive programming and you have two objects with the same name, so you are identiying them by name and index, how can you avoid errors if a third object with the same name is added at the begining of the page?

4 5777

What is the difference between stub & Driver? which is needed in Top Up & Bottom Down Testing?


2 7658

In any application there are so many fields. So tester have to test each field with Special chars., Alphabetic value, Alphanumeric value, Blank Space. etc. I am testing with all these inputs but should I have to consider these into test cases. Because rather than these there many functionalities to check.Please Guide me properly

2 3376

What is white-box Integration Testing and its differences between Black box-Integration testing?

Tech Mahindra,

6 14023

How do we perform critical section first (Integration testing) at specification requirement stage of SDLC? I suppose this is incorrect question as integration testing can be initiated when: * The relavant individual code modules have been designed.please correct me if i am wrong

1 5396

Hi can any one please tell me about firmware testing and test harness please

1 6827

hi can any body give me a script for creating a modularity or keyword driven framework..i am working as a qtp tester for 2 months but still i am not exposed to framework in my company



how can we perform load testing and performance testing manually.

1 4358

How to execute the test cases using QTP. i.e What is the use of QTP while execution

2 13140

What is ADHOC testing ?


9 13531

What is the difference between model based testing and state transition testing? Or are they the same?


Please help me by providing the License key for QTP 9.2, at guru_aarya@yahoo.co.in Best Regards Gururaj.B


Plese tell me What is V model how do u prepair documnet using V model ?


2 5406

What is the use of "Define new test object" in QTP 9.1 When should we use? Explain?

4 11520

Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

List out few jmeter listeners?


What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager?


how to handle staleelementreferenceexception?


What is active screen?


What is remedy testing,expalim that and how can use that


How will you edit a baseline file of a verification point?


Tell us how do you get the width of the textbox?


Define what is error handling and define how do you do error handling?


Can you explain the various elements of function points ftr, ilf, eif, ei, eo, eq, and gsc?


Positive and Negative test cases for the speedometer?(minimum 5 each)


What are the queries mostly asked in testing ? give me some examples.


plz give me anybody test data expected result during prime number programe ? advance thanks


Explain Single View Testing ?


explain abt dyanamic changing object with example?


Explain inputs?