Testing Interview Questions
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Could anybody send me the document on how to re install QTP 9.0 after the evalution period (14 days). It will expire within 3 days. Thabks in advance.

4 8621

why the smart identification is not there in WinRunner


1 4413

how will check the links in multiple pages at a time

3 6185

wt is the use of multiple questions in QTP



in qtp if we record a object and we record the object using virtual wizard then by which way the object is recognized that means recorded


where we are going to write the descriptive programming.for example we are invoking qtp application where we are going to write that code

3 5553

if we are using an Engine (tool)..with that how to capture data from excel sheets and how to do automation with this plz answer any body for this question.?

Net Edge,


in how many ways we can write the user defined functions one way i know that i.e storing it in .vbs another way i does not know my friend said that .qtf or something but start with q letter can any buddy knows about this

DigiTech, Infotech,

3 6559

in real time when we are creating the script by default it is going to save in action object repository or not any way my question is in one of my interviewer said that in real time the default object repository is action object repository and by using quick test plus they are going to merge is it correct i said that by selecting the object repository as shared one in selecting the test>>settings>>resources but she is not convinced what is the correct one

DigiTech, Infotech,

1 4743

what is the object properties settings in the QTP


5 10354

descriptive program for a yahoo mail that is in yahoo mail suppose check box mailid subject assume it is like this format all things are in webtable the question is suppose some mail ids are there in that mailids i want to select the check box wich is before a@gmail.com and after that i want to click on delete button



suppose we recording a web based project so for that we are using internet explorer after that if we execute that script in netscape then script will execute or not and one more thing is to exeute the script in any browser what to do


2 4944

i need to learn the descriptive programming very well so for that what to do am reading the qtp user mannual but it is not so any materials or links with examples i want please help me

2 4507

what are the contents of a test plan?


8 12617

what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?


11 11718

Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

i have asked earlier only one question how to test web application using QTp plz send me the answer quickly


How can I date change in tally whenever new voucher entery. When I press F2 I can change the date only 1,2&31. When I feed other dates like 12,15,17, 21 etc. not changed. Please tell me how can I change the all voucher dates.


What Contains in Business Design Document?


Differentiate verification and validation?


What are the types of properties that quick test learns while recording?


What are the types of assertions there in selenium?


18). explain testing process in your organization? 19). are you participated in test plan preparation? 20). how will you prepare test cases? 21). explain importance of the priority in test case documents? 22). explain test execution process? 23). how much time will you take to write one test case? 24). how many test cases you can execute in a day? 25). explain bug life cycle? explain difference between seveority & priority?


How does cucumber works with browser automation?


Limitations in QTP?


Explain the parameter in qtp?


What is ieee - institute of electrical and electronics engineers?


Where should i find checkpoint and virtual objects's Object properties and values in the QTP 9.2 Means where checkpoints or virtual objects related data will store If i want to get the runtime object properties how can i use Getroproperties on Checkpoints


When will you not automate testing?


Explain the difference between close and quit command?


We use the output of the requirement analysis, the requirement specification as the input for writing …