Botany Interview Questions
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What is one feature that the Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae share?


1 4060

What fruit type is typical of the Portulacaceae?

1 2738

Why does a pansy flower turn its face towards the sun ?

2 5449

How does a flowering plant feed itself ?

2 5401

Form where do the non-green plants get their food ?

City Pride School,

16 38333

Why do the plants or animal bodies decay ?

2 4236

What do you know about the creatures which are in between plants and animals ?

1 3700

What plants ate not green ?

3 3740

How do the plants and the animals differ ?

1 3524

Are large plants able to move at all ?

2 3313

Why technical words are used for plants and animal spices ?

2 4596

Why do plants need sunlight to make their food ?

6 8955

Do the plants breaths in Oxygen ?

1 2817

Why should one not sleep under a tree at night ?

2 4370

Why has a tree so many leaves?

2 3730

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Un-Answered Questions { Botany }

What three main parts make up the carpel of a plant?


what horticultural practices are required to advance the maturity of fruit?


Name of gymnosperms and angiosperms having anticancerous properties?


Does time affect the stomata density of a leaf e.g young leaves, old leaves.?


Explain about adiantum andina?


If you break off a piece of an aloe plant and put it in water, will roots grow and What is that type of propagation called?


Late blight of potato and early blight of potato symptoms differences?


is mimosa pudica shows syngenecious stamen?


Does CO have adverse effects on plants?


What is the formula of process of photosynthesis?


Define respiratory quotient?


what is the non-congruent principle?


what is the importance of Phytochrome pigment?


Give five examples each of plants that have lateral and that have fiberous roots?


what are the physicochemical properties of plant viruses?