Botany Interview Questions
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What is the difference between a pedicel and a peduncle?

1 7334

Explain the difference between a raceme and a spike.

1 4266

Write a floral formula for a flower which has 5 united sepals; a zygomorphic corolla of 5 petals-one large one, two small ones, and two that are united; 9 stamens united by their filaments and one free; and one superior carpel.

Akash, Samsung,

7 16565

Write a flora formula for a flower which has a variable number of sepals, 8 petals united at the base, 8 stamens united by their anthers, and an inferior ovary of 4 united carpels.


Describe the structure of a catkin with regard to sex and completeness of the flowers.


What things do you count in order to determine the number of carpels in a compound ovary?


Describe the difference between a legume, a lomentum, and a follicle.

1 15625

True or false: tubers and fruits of wild members of the Solanaceae may be safely eaten. Explain.


What function does a pappus serve? How is it useful to botanists?

1 3207

Which family of dicots has the most species?

1 3056

viny plant with alternate leaves, poricidally-dehiscent anthers, and black berries belongs to which Family?

1 2845

Describe three unusual features of flowers in Asclepias.

1 2610

Give the three head types found in the Asteraceae and tell which flower types are found in each.

1 2428

Describe the unusual stamens in many members of the Ericaceae. What two corolla shapes are typical of the family?


Which sex(es) of flowers in the Cucurbitaceae have nectary disks? Why?


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Un-Answered Questions { Botany }

is peppermint a gymnosperm or an angiosperm?


what are the importance of weeds ?


Classify the apple into fruits, roots, stem.


what are the chemical constituents of the plant Cucumis prophetarum?


where do plants get carbon from and where does the carbon go when plants die?


How can a spectrophotometer be used to determine chlorophyll content?


Explain how do you determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar?


For a flower to be complete, it must possess what four types of floral appendages?


Classify the potato into fruits, roots, stem.


what is the importance of mistletoe used by pharmaceutical industry?


Why Gymnosperms have become less than Angiosperms and What is the evolutionary trend between them?


What is a burette and how is it used?


what are the sub divisions in subkingdom Embryophyta ?


Why do some plants like Malva moschata seed themselves all over the garden, while others just sulk?


What specific mechanism regulates cyclic vs noncyclic electron transfer during light reactions of photosynthesis?