Databases Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the syntax of SELECT command?

6 6478

what is the syntax of INSERT command?

7 8245

what is the syntax of UPDATE command?

8 9490

what is the syntax of DELETE command?

8 9124

what is the syntax of CREATE command?

8 8131

what is the syntax of DROP command?

10 10480

what is the syntax of ALTER command?

8 11660

Is it possible to have more then one foreign key in a single table? if possible, is this the good way to design the table?

2 5927

Assume,there are three tables in a database, Can i have both primary key and foreign key for each table in the same database?

4 7314

check whether all the emp numbers are indeed unique.

6 15512

define a variable representing the expression used to calculate on emps total annual remuneration.use the variable in a statement which finds all emps who can earn 30000 a year or more.

5 10283

Delete the emps whose salaries are lowest sals of their own dept.

5 8878

Delete duplicate records in the emp table.


6 13020

What is magic table?

6 22605

how to check the 3rd max salary from an employee table?


23 30151

Un-Answered Questions { Databases }

List different types of sybase index.


Which profile required to access Models in Designer tool?


what is “go” in t-sql? : Transact sql


What is field in algebra?


How to list all tables in the database using odbc_tables()?


What is database transaction?


What is inverted file ?


How to enter binary numbers in sql statements?


ERROR:Insert or update on table"accnt" violates foreign key constraints "acct_to_curr_symbol" DETAILS:KEY(accnt_curr_id)(-2)is not present in the table "curr_symbol" ......solve The Problem..


How to use values from other tables in update statements using oracle?


What is a tns file?


What is the maximum length of an extended property?


How to find the time taken for rollback of the processed?


What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Index?


Explain the difference between drop and truncate commands in sql?