Project Management Interview Questions
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PERT is: A. The longest path B. A weighted average technique C. A simulation technique D. Widely used in practice to determine schedule durations


What are the Scope Planning process tools and techniques? A. Benefit/cost analysis, work breakdown structure templates, expert judgment, and supporting detail B. Product analysis, benefit/cost analysis, alternatives identification, and expert judgment C. Product analysis, work breakdown structure templates, supporting detail, and expert judgment D. Benefit/cost analysis, alternatives identification, supporting detail, and expert judgment


You are a project manager for Swirling Seas Cruises food division. You're considering two different projects regarding food services on the cruise lines. The initial cost of Project Fish'n for Chips will be $800,000 with expected cash inflows of $300,000 per quarter. Project Picnic's payback period is six months. Which project should you recommend? A. Project Fish'n for Chips because its payback period is two months shorter than Project Picnic’s B. Project Fish'n for Chips because the costs on Project Picnic are unknown C. Project Picnic because Project Fish'n for Chips' payback period is four months longer than Project Picnic’s D. Project Picnic because Project Fish'n for Chips' payback period is two months longer than Project Picnic's


You are the project manger for Xylophone Phonics. They produce children's software programs that teach basic reading and math skills. You're performing cost estimates for your project and don't have a lot of details yet. You will use which of the following techniques? A. Analogous estimating techniques, because this is a form of expert judgment that uses historical information from similar projects B. Bottom-up estimating techniques because this is a form of expert judgment that uses historical information from similar projects C. Monte Carlo Analysis, because this is a modeling technique that uses simulation to determine estimates D. Parametric modeling, because this is a form of simulation used to determine estimates


As a PMP, one of your responsibilities is to ensure integrity on the project. When your personal interests are put above the interests of the project or when you use your influence to cause others to make decisions in your favor without regard for the project outcome, this is considered: A. Conflict of interest B. Using professional knowledge inappropriately C. Culturally unacceptable D. Personal conflict issue


Your project is in the Scope Definition process. You've just completed the WBS. Which of the following is true? A. The WBS breaks the project deliverables down to a level where alternatives identification can be used to determine how level two assignments should be made. B. The WBS breaks the project deliverables down to a level where project constraints and assumptions can be easily identified. C. The WBS breaks the project deliverables down to the work package level where product analysis can be documented. D. The WBS breaks the project deliverables down to the work package level where cost and time estimates can be easily determined and quality control measurements can be determined.


The product description, strategic plan, project selection criteria, and historical information are considered: A. Inputs to the project Planning process B. Inputs to the project Overview process C. Inputs to the project Initiation process D. Inputs to the project Execution process


What are decision models? A. Project selection criteria B. Project selection methods C. Project selection committees D. Project resource and budget selection criteria


Performance reporting tools and techniques include all of the following except: A. Earned value analysis B. Statistical sampling C. Variance analysis D. Performance reviews


Which of the following is true regarding constraints and assumptions? A. Constraints restrict the actions of the project team, and assumptions are considered true for planning purposes. B. Constraints are considered true for planning purposes, and assumptions limit the options of the project team. C. Constraints consider vendor availability and resource availability to be true for planning purposes. Assumptions limit the project teamwork within predefined budgets or time lines. D. Constraints and assumptions are inputs to the Initiation process. They should be documented, as they will be used throughout the project Planning process.


You are the project manager for a construction company that is building a new city and county office building in your city. Your CCB recently approved a scope change. You know that scope change might come about as a result of all of the following except: A. Schedule revisions B. Product scope change C. Changes to the agreed-upon WBS D. Changes to the project requirements


What are the tools and techniques of the Quantitative Risk Analysis process? A. Checklists, flowcharting, interviewing B. Interviewing, sensitivity analysis, decision tree analysis, simulation C. Checklists, sensitivity analysis, decision tree analysis, information-gathering techniques D. Interviewing, checklists, assumptions analysis, risk probability impact


Name the ethical code you'll be required to adhere to as a PMP. A. Project Management Policy and Ethics Guide B. Project Management Professional Standards and Ethics C. Project Management Code of Professional Ethics D. Project Management Professional Code of Professional Conduct


You are the project manger for Xylophone Phonics. They produce children's software programs that teach basic reading and math skills. You are ready to assign project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Which project Planning process are you working on? A. Resource Planning B. Organizational Planning C. Staff Acquisition D. Human Resource Acquisition


Critical path tasks are those tasks that: A. Have equal pessimistic, optimistic, and most likely estimated times B. Have a float rime of zero C. Have the same start date D. Have multiple early start dates and early finish dates


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Your project has experienced some changes to the agreed-upon WBS elements. The changes were approved through the proper change control process. The WBS changes may in turn require which of the following? A. Scope changes B. Cost changes C. Schedule revisions D. Risk response changes


Halloween is approaching fast. Your market research shows that the little yellow chicks and pink bunny marshmallow candies are the best-selling candy at Easter time, outselling all other types of candies. This prompts the company to introduce a new version of marshmallow candies with Halloween themes this season. Which of the following is true? A. This project came about due to customer request, and the primary constraint is time B. This project came about due to market demand, and the primary constraint is time. C. This project came about due to market demand, and the primary constraint is quality. D. This project came about due to customer request, and the primary constraint is quality.


You are preparing a cash flow analysis for a project the company is considering undertaking. The project's cost is $525,000, and expected cash inflows are $125,000 the first year and then $75,000 per quarter the second year and $100,000 per quarter after that. What is the payback period? A. 16 months B. 27 months C. 32 months D. 28 months


You are ready to perform the Activity Sequencing process for your project. To make your job easier, you're going to use a software tool to help you draw a PDM network diagram. Most software programs use this technique. You know all of the following are true regarding the PDM except: A. It shows the activities on arrows and connects them to dependencies usually depicted as circles. B. It’s also called AON. C. It shows the activities in boxes with arrows connecting the dependent activities. D. It uses four types of dependency relationships of which finish to start is one.


You are a project manager responsible for the construction of a new office complex. You are taking over for a project manager who recently left the company. The prior project manager completed the scope statement and scope management plan for this project. In your interviews with some key stakeholders, you conclude which of the following? A. They understand that the scope statement assesses the Stability of the project scope and outlines how to incorporate scope changes into the project. B. They understand that the scope management plan assesses the stability of the project scope and outlines how to incorporate scope changes into the project. C. They understand that the scope management plan is deliverables oriented and cost estimates can be easily derived it. D. They understand that the scope statement is deliverables oriented and cost estimates can be easily derived from it.


The product description, strategic plan, project selection criteria, and historical information are considered: A. Inputs to the project Planning process B. Inputs to the project Overview process C. Inputs to the project Initiation process D. Inputs to the project Execution process


Explain the meaning of management.


All of the following are tools and techniques of the Quality Control process except: A. Monte Carlo Analysis B. Statistical sampling C. Pareto diagrams D. Trend analysis


You are the project manger for Xylophone Phonics. They produce children's software programs that teach basic reading and math skills. You are ready to assign project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Which project Planning process are you working on? A. Resource Planning B. Organizational Planning C. Staff Acquisition D. Human Resource Acquisition


You are a project manager for Dakota Software Consulting Services. You're working with a major retailer that offers their products through mail-order catalogs. They're interested in knowing customer characteristics, the amounts of first-time orders, and similar information. The stakeholders have accepted the project scope. Work has begun on the project, and you're confirming some of the initial work results with the stakeholders. You've asked for acceptance of the work results. Which process are you in? A. Quality Assurance B. Quality Control C. Scope Verification D. Performance Reporting


Change control system, configuration management, performance measurement, additional planning, and project management information system are tools and techniques of which process? A. Integrated Change Control B. Scope Change Control C. Schedule change control D. Cost change control


During the opening rounds of contract negotiation, the other party uses a fait accompli lactic. Which of the following is true? A. One party agrees to accept the offer of the other party but secretly knows they will bring the issue hack up at a later time. B. One party claims the issue under discussion was documented and accepted as part of Scope Verification. C. One party claims the issue under discussion has already been decided and can't be changed. D. One party claims to accept the offer of the other party provided a contract change request is submitted describing the offer in detail.


You are a project manager for an engineering company. Your company won the bid to add ramp-metering lights to several on-ramps along a stretch of highway at the south end of the city. You subcontracted a portion of the project to another company. The subcontractor's work involves digging the holes and setting the lamp poles in concrete. The subcontractor's performance is not meeting the contract requirements, because the poles are not buried to the correct depth. Which of the following is true? A. You are in the Quality Assurance process and have performed a quality audit to assure correctness of work. B. You are in the Scope Verification process and have performed a quality audit to assure correctness of work. C. You are in the Contract Administration process and have completed a contract audit to assure the subcontractor's performance meets the contract requirements. D. You are in the Performance Reporting process and have completed a performance review of the contractor's work.


How do you manage team performance?


As a PMP, you will be required to comply with the Project Management Professional Code of Professional Conduct. This code refers to all of the following except: A. Reporting conflicts of interest B. Reporting experience and PMP status truthfully C. Complying with stakeholder requirements D. Complying with rules and policies of foreign countries