ERRORS Interview Questions
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ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number.

1 2154

ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.

1 2155

ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT.

1 2392

ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string.

1 2137

ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1[(dimension dimvalue, ...)] into relation2 [using relation3 | a | d] [inhierarchy {variable | valueset}].

1 2514

ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.

1 2314

ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation.

1 2235

ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.

1 2076

ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) QDR dimension workspace object repeats.

1 2328

ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: HIERHEIGHT(relation [,] level) level >= 1.

1 2191

ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object.

1 2098

ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object and one level dimension.

1 2290

ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.

1 2419

ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable workspace object.

1 2397

ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.

1 2348

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

NZE-28890: Entrust Login Failed


How to create a program that lists the capital country when told what the original country is? (Terribly sorry, I'm a novice programmer and would appreciate any help ;). Cheers, Alexxis


quoroum of computer languages?


How to view the error log for any specific instance?


NZE-28868: Peer certificate chain check failed.


What is the use of NOLOCK locking hint?


Program ended with error or warning, return code: 4


How to solve -805 error i.e. Bind issue. There are two conditions- 1) If you have access to the database table 2) If you don't have access to the table


when i open the system error dialog box come memory could not be read some.


I entered the data in SQL toad version 9.0.1 in English and Arabic language but when i do the query i get the data in Arabic language with (??? question mark) ,please your support.


[ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( Unsuccessful: alter table user.CEN_USER_MASTER add constraint FKF4EDEDC3D0BAAE75 foreign key (ROLE_ID) references user.CEN_ROLE_MASTER [ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table


Jetking is C C


I have got one job selection order from DECON ENGG(HRD), he told me to send 2000 rs of demand draff i have send the demand draff after some time a got a job selection order in banglore but he have written that u have to give 550 rs of Guidency fees in bangalore i dont understant what to do


Write down the difference between c. Loop and goto statement d. (!0) and (!1) e. (1= =! 1) and (1!=1) f. NULL and !NULL


For pH-4 calculation it is subtracted from the previous pH7 buffer value is the same procedure to be followed for calculation of remaining buffers??