QTP Interview Questions
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How to connect QTP to Testdirector

BirlaSoft, Polaris,

4 20252

I am using Shared OR, and my collegues are also using Shared OR. How to merge Object Repositories?

6 7493

What are Add-ins availble in licensed version QTP8.2


1 4748

I install .Net Add-Ins in my system. It installed properly. But all the objects are recognizing as window objects only. But it has to recognize as swf objects. In Record and Run setting i selected 'Record and run test on any open browser' and Record and run test on any open Windows-based application' Can any one tell what setting i have to do to recognize objects correctly as swf...? Please give some suggestions..?

1 3544

How can we make a shared object repository in QTP 9?

Kanbay, Ordain Solutions,

3 19148

is we can import the object repository from external source. if it so then how?

5 9382

when we right click on the desktop of any operating system we find a menu , consisting of refresh,edit,open,paste and cut etc... how to load the object and object properties of that menu in QTP


3 9452

How 2check the color of the text in the textfield . say suppose the text entered in the textfield object is appearing in red. so i want to check whether the text is in red color or not. It could be great help for me if any one solve's my issue. plz...help


5 8626

what is run-time object property in Object spy in QTP9?

3 6472

How i can test the background color of the records displayed in a Table. Eg i have a .net desktop application and there is a Table(swftable) with records displayed in the grids. i have to validate whether the 1st record is displayed in white background color and 2nd record in light blue background color...But the constraints is that once user click on the first record...the background color changes to grey.......Plze let me now how to validate this with QTP 9.2.


9 17323

Plze let me know how you can validate in the QTP that printed documents is correctly printed or not ie how we can do the validation that all the records or text are printed successfully in the printed document as per the application format requuired.


4 8709

Can anybody let me know how to test the Drag and drop feature of the column in a .net application...eg..i hav to test the drag and drog feature of a table(swftable) in a application..plze help!!


How to call the userdefined functions to script? If i am stored 'add()' function in Library functions folder. i want to cal that function in my script.

4 6105

How we can add objects to the object repository during the running?is it possible or not?explain

3 8447

I have test cases in excel sheet but i am using quality center.How can i copy the testcases from excel sheet to quality center?explain this process.


3 10767

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

i am trying to automate yatra.com,in that site, when i go to automate the Leaving from field showing as a WEBEDIT, but when i enter 1 or 2 char, it displaying dropdownlist, i try to use keyboard automation to select the item from that list but it is not possible, can anybody help he. Thans for posting the Answer


Mention the test steps of qtp.


How will you check a web application for broken links using qtp?


how to test Web application using QTP software


Which recording modes need more memory?


What is the difference between shared and local object repository?


What is data driver in qtp?


How you can find length of array in qtp?


I am Facing Issues with learing datepicker 1)when i first learn datepicker as current system date . 2)if i wanna runtime datepicker value it gives error


Does any one worked on JIL Emulator , Testing with QTP(automation). Trail Version of QTP is not identifying the child objects of JIL emulator, Can any one help me out ,


how do we know whether all objects are stored in the object repository or not? how can we know if a particular object is not stored in the repository?


What is a Patch in QTP?


Hi All, I need code for how to execute qtp scripts from excell sheet


write a script to verify links on any web page by using descriptive method by creating a description object (give a filter condition only link) ... need to verify expected like name by reading


I have qtp 9.5 demo ver,I am not able to record the yahoo broeser.so anyone can tell me what setting i have to do in QTP for yahoo brower recording. why its not recognise the object of yahoo browser????