QTP Interview Questions
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How can i check all the button that are enabled in a widnows based application ? What script should i write for this ?

1 4290

What is the life cycle of QTP? Pls Give me Exact answer?


6 11077

After coming to know that QTP could not identify non-standard objects, we set those non-standard objects as virtual objects using Virtual object wizard. But how can we identify that qtp could not identify non-standard objects?

6 8783

write the code to reverse a string without using Strrev built in function.


14 33480

write vb script code to delete the duplicate values in an array.


4 32106

Can we use Virtual Objects in Discriptive Programming?

Keane India Ltd,

5 9287

I have to automate excel features using qtp in this i need to open instance of excel in different ways like double click on file, drag & drop options, File > open option but i know the 2 ways to open the excel instance 1 is by creating the object and another is to open the excel file in already opened instance of excel through sendkeys through qtp. But i m not geting how to open excel file through double click and drag and drop option through qtp script plz help me out anyone can thanks in advance


I encountered with very strange problem in qtp while writing the script i written the code window"regexpwndclass:=XLMAIN").window"regexpwndtitle:=Open" ).Exit this code was working fine for about 10-15 times i executed the script but after some time qtp started giving the error with the same code the error is "Object doesnt support this method or function window(...).window(..)" then i modified the code with only window"regexpwndtitle:=Open").Exit in place of window"regexpwndclass:=XLMAIN").window"regexpwndtitle:=Open" ).Exit now again its working fine i cannot understand what thing is creating the problem if same code executed successfully in starting for about 10 times then why it is giving the error now can anyone give the reason .


i m fresher iwant to know about testing what is the scope of testing field.i m aware in manual testing shall i go to automatiuon testinh directly or if any work experinc in manual testinh then only i go to manually automation testing.

2 6695

I want to run my qtp scipt on the system where qtp is not installed .I don't want to install qtp but i want that system should use the qtp from another system in lan just the qtp instance should be launched on that system without having qtp installed on it .I probably know the solution that it will be solved through RMI but how to get this problem solved plz help i anyone know the answer


4 14059

Hi All, I wanted know how does QTP identifies a DataCombo. While recording I clicked on the data combo and selected a value from the list. The click of Data Combo is recorded but the selection of the value from the list is not recorded. My application is based on VB and SQL server as the database. Please let me know as how do I record the action of selecting a value from a DataCombo list. The list is being loaded from the Database Record set.


I am Using QTP 9.1 version. I have created a Shared Object Repository. The size of Shared Object REpository is 9 MB. In my system i am able to execute the script very flexibly and it is very fast. But if i copy the same code into other system with the same configuration, it is executing very slowly(i.e dam slow). It is not happening in all machines it is in only some machines. Can please any one give th esolution. It is high priority to me as i need to give demo to client on their machines.


4 5922

any one can send me the concepts of qtp




How we test web based application by using QTP


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

What is the short cut keys for the following?


Diff b/w Health care domain and Banking Domain?


how to prepared for first for the first interview?


What are the recording modes in qtp?


What are the different types of recording modes in qtp? Which will be used when?


How to remove associated function library?


I am getting an error "failed to open the XML checkpoint result viewer" in result window,after clicking on "View XML checkpoint results".Someone suggest me settings,if any...


I have qtp 9.5 demo ver,I am not able to record the yahoo broeser.so anyone can tell me what setting i have to do in QTP for yahoo brower recording. why its not recognise the object of yahoo browser????


Explain object spy in qtp.


Is it possible to merge two object repository files in qtp?


Dear sir, i want to perform a QTP automated testing for mechancial engineering software like msc adams, msc nastran this softwares will help for mechanical engineering design analysis>> i know oad runner win runner, test director, QTp>> but i dont know how to use for automation


requirement is for combo box your expected value is str= "Denver.Frankfurt.London.Los Angeles.Paris.Portland.San Francisco.Seattle.Sydney.Zurich" you must get the text in combo box and need to compare them how


I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: sushmapokhriyal79@gmail.com


Hi! Using Descriptive Programming How do we get Parent object for an object by writing script(DP). Say, i want to get a parent object for a "Link" in a web page by writing script in Descriptive Programming.


how can we do the frame work in qtp