Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Desktop Testing


How we validate and creating frameworks?

1 3418

What is Migration testing?


4 30055

What is Mutation Testing?


8 8147

What is Gorila testing?


8 10612

Can anyone explain me these 3 techniques with an example? 1).Equalent Class Partision 2).Cause-Effect Graph analysis 3).Error Guessing.

3 6066

Risk Analysis a) 2 step, b)3 step, c) 4 step, d) 6 step

CashEdge, Cognizant,


What is a test condition wen a tester will prepare or write a test condition?

1 3716

what is test scenario? write the test scenarios for your project?please tell the answer? The Automobile Dealer Office Automation (ADOA) application fully automates all vehicle sales and service operations. The project will maintain information about vehicles, spare parts, services, customers, sales and invoices. It facilitates to stores info about job cards and it can generate job

ABC Infotech, Cap Gemini,

3 9595

what is bug life cycle?

Cap Gemini,

9 12701

Tell me please whether Unit Testing comes under "Black box testing" OR "White Box testing" ?

6 7699

what is the difference between Performance,Load ,Stress testing

2 10008

we are about to implement a Test tool to test the performance of website, so what script does a tester should know (friends plz help me)


what is bugzilla?

Cap Gemini,

9 18010

what is deffered status?

Cap Gemini,

7 11040

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

wht is Manual Testing Frame work


Could anyone share FAQs for Test Manager position...


How can a LOG for testcases be maitained which can give information about a TestCase that is it new one or has been occured in previous versions of the software.


What is the difference between SIT AND IST?


what are the templates for daily,weekly and monthly reports? plz reply ASAP.


What are the standard you follow in your company to prepare test plan document? Content is same in every standard or not. Also is there any document to read about the testing standards? Thanks in advance for giving me the answer.


IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is less than 44 THEN reject it ELSE IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is greater than 56 THEN reject it ELSE it's a digit, so accept it Which one of the following sets of ASCII codes do you use to test the sample code above WITHOUT redundant coverage?


HI can i know who is taking real time testing classes in banglore? i am preparing to put 3+year experience in testing if possible anybody give suggestions for preparing 3+exp


what is the difference between Risk based and Requirement based testing???


Can anyone please answer the below question on Manual Testing: Tell me about atleast 5 bugs you come across in your last testing?


Do you know anything about Set Top Boxes?


Explain the procedure & path of s/w in testing?


what are your thoughts on SPRINT duration


What are the two main categories of software testing?


What are the advantages of automation over manual testing?