Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is role of a tester in the requirement phase?

2 5965

Tell me agile process in your company

Cap Gemini,

1 5717

Difference between Agile process and Water Fall model

Cap Gemini,


Difference between Agile process and V Model

Cap Gemini,

2 9824

Suppose u got Change Request from client just before release, What is your approach and how do you convenience the client.

Cap Gemini,

3 7272

In Agile process, If you have not completed task in the Sprint time, How do you complete the task or do you add the task to next sprint.

Cap Gemini,

2 7436

Difference between test Methodology and test strategy

Cap Gemini,

5 9503

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Cap Gemini,

2 6787

Difference between client application and web application

Cap Gemini, PIT Solutions,

1 7942

What is your framework of current project

Cap Gemini,

3 8649

What is interface in software testing???

5 17536

508 compliance

1 13140

write four critical test cases for logout operation?

Mind Tree,

6 55291

why is smoke testing done for a software?

11 11055

which test comes first installation testing or compatiability testing


7 10688

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What is client server application testing?


What r the features,u take care in prototype testing?


What if the project isn’t big enough to justify extensive testing?


how can we do database testing. In database testing we verify the data integrity and data validation. how can we do testing of Index, triggers, views, ransactions,cursors etc


What are the disadvantages of manual testing?


What is Web architecture that are followed while doing online project and tell the samples of architecture?


what is the difference between PEGA based web application testing versus web application testing?


Can any body tell me in real time how cookies testing is done. And please tell me the steps.And for cookies testing test cases is needed.


How do you scope, organize, and execute a test project?


What is virtual creation tool?


Can anyone please tell in detail about the Rally tool and how a tester is going to use it.


I have cleared written test and one Technical round in one company? now i have to face an Client Round through telephony? Any body have faced client round, how will it be , wil they ask technical or is it only formality round? im nervous, plz let me know wat all they may ask? i have this round on monday?


what is mean by impact analysis ,how we used to select regression TC using this?


Usually customers won’t give all the requirements. How will you manage & collect all the necessary information?


write test case for gmail sign up page ?