Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is role of a tester in the requirement phase?

2 6238

Tell me agile process in your company

Cap Gemini,

1 5885

Difference between Agile process and Water Fall model

Cap Gemini,


Difference between Agile process and V Model

Cap Gemini,

2 9995

Suppose u got Change Request from client just before release, What is your approach and how do you convenience the client.

Cap Gemini,

3 7488

In Agile process, If you have not completed task in the Sprint time, How do you complete the task or do you add the task to next sprint.

Cap Gemini,

2 7605

Difference between test Methodology and test strategy

Cap Gemini,

5 9806

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Cap Gemini,

2 6971

Difference between client application and web application

Cap Gemini, PIT Solutions,

1 8061

What is your framework of current project

Cap Gemini,

3 8875

What is interface in software testing???

5 17948

508 compliance

1 13305

write four critical test cases for logout operation?

Mind Tree,

6 55912

why is smoke testing done for a software?

11 11692

which test comes first installation testing or compatiability testing


7 11100

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Can list out some disadvantages of manual testing?


What is regression testing? When to apply it?


how we write test cases to brs,srs,hlds,llds


Katari your questions was really helpful could you please send the questions and answers with them . Can anyone sends the top 30-40 question and answers for the interview purposes


if yahoo ceo asks you to do performance testing for yahoo site, what are the inputs you ask from them?


write test case for linked in sign up page ?


Why we have to do manual testing?


What are the differences between web applications and client and server applications?


What does you mean by positive and negative testing & what is the difference between them. Can anyone explain with an example?


What is the difference between static testing and dynamic testing?


how to write test cases for epos/pos testing.


What is the role of the test group vis-?is documentation, tech support, and so forth?


What is the negative testing and example


How do you get programmers to build testability support into their code?


Please anyone give answers for all below questions and help ? realtimers please and please share your knowledge.lot of questions left unanswered.