some major negative test cases to break the sign up page having username password, email, url address field and some check box selection options ?
1 9722we go to shopping. after completion of shopping we have to pay money. we swipe our credit/debit card in swiping machine. assume your card is icici card. and that machine is of with what name the bank of your card is called ? and that machine's bank name?
1 7310Post New Manual Testing Questions
What makes a good test engineer?
what is the diff. bw separate database testers and manual testers with sql knowledge guys... iam confusing so much ,,in cmpny database testers are not working on manual..? both positions are same are not? explian clesly with example? thank u
I have 6 months experience as project tarine and one and a half year experience as software engineer.Should i write taht my total experience id 2 years.
Describe your experiences with code analyzers.
what is the function generator?
What kind of input do we need from the end user to begin proper testing?
what are the possible test cases for online jobs search portal..if its a job seeker module and any 1 if u had worked on this proj pls share the bugs with sev and priority pls frends i need replies for these queries ..thanks in advance
How will you prepare traceability matrix if there is no Business Doc and Functional Doc?
What r the things,u prefer and prepare before starting testing?
10 scenarios for security testing using gmail applications?
What is smoke testing and user interface testing ?
If you're given a program that will average student grades, what kinds of inputs would you use?
how agile testing is performed and what are the related documents.
how to creat 2 test plan in 2 different environment exp:tour and travel
what are risks and contigencies(solutions) of an ecommerce (online shopping and bidding project)application?we describe this in Test plan can anyone tell me abt this?