Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what is the difference between bug and issue?

2 4821

explain LCSAJ??

2 6135

Difference Between Quality Center and Test Director?


2 5117

anyone can explain about Sanity testing and smoke testing and who will involved on sanity and smoke testing

4 5420

anyone can explain,Diff b/w buid and release

4 5482

This was one of the question in ISTQB foundation level exam - Dec 21 2008. Can you test elevator using state transition technique? Options a. Yes b. No If Yes or No, Kindly justify your answer so that it helps people who see this question/answer.



Does anyone have any good examples of some acceptance criteria for non-functional requirements?



Both Password & User id are empty & Login, Is it a valid test case?

4 5390

What is the mean by Test Management,Test Design,Test Execution,Test Plan,Test Specification?


1 8084

What is the Configuration Management?


4 6193

What is the difference between Test Director and Quality Center?


1 4434

If there is a button called Edit button. 1) Editing can be done by double clicking the object 2) Editing can be done by pressing Edit button 3) Editing can be done by pressing Alt+E key Then Should I have to write 3 different test cases for editing object? What should I do so that I 'll not miss the any functionality while testing.

1 3246

Explain Equavalence Partioning.With example?


3 5846

I have a work experience of 1.5 years of manual testing now im looking for job with the same profile, if u know the vacancy kindly let me...

1 8023

Can u please explain wat is Cyclomatic Complexity?and wat is incident?


2 4653

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

what is test scenario and test condition?


1)can u tell me, what is the roles and responsibles for database tester in DB testing from requirement stage to UAT stage....2) what are the i/p documents he wants and who wil give the i/p docs. to DB tester.and tell me what exactly db test case means what?


Login screen with Username, Password input fields,remember me check box,sign in and reset button write Test Cases for GUI, Funcitonal, Negative, Usability and Security testing.


My name is Akpos from Nigeria. I have finished manual testing course. Please, can someone advise me where to go on from here?


Can you explain the pdca cycle and where testing fits in?


Do you think tools are required for managing change. Explain and please list some tools/practices which can help you managing change.


1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example


How will you do beta testing?


If anybody from banglore having the real time exp in manual testing with 3+ yrs exp and looking for change send your profile to


I have to give weights to 5 stones so that using a simple balance and the stone i should be able to weight any number between 1-100


how to test ecg machine?


hi all I have an overall experience of 12 years working in an EDP setup(worked in a manufacturing setup in a German MNC). On my request, I was relieved from my duties in Sep 06 for maternity reasons. However I would like to pursue a career in a software organization as a manual tester. I obtained my proficiency certificate in Software Testing from STAG SOFTWARE LIMITED 2 months ago i.e in May and would now like to continue working in this field. However I am unable to find a job until now. If anybody knows of a opening at bangalore, kindly let me know.


Write positive and negative test cases for forgot password?


what is data guidelines


What is mean by incident logging system ?