Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is test case and why it is require?

3 5125

why you want 2 join Testing ?


4 17059

What are the different types of testing

4 6093

any body can explain me door lock test cases,cell phone test cases, table and chair test cases


6 18501

Hi Im Madhuri I have 1 Year of exp in Software Testing.I was involved in manual testing of the applications.Pls let me know if you know abt any oppurtunities...Preferred location Bangalore,Mumbai,Hyderabad


10 10610

How many testcases you can write for mobile message box?


3 9874

What is security testing? How to test the web application using security testing ?

Miracle Solutions,

5 8617

is it possible tht some one can provide me reading material it would be higly appriciated my email id is thankx in advance

2 3376

I am new to testing, I need information about TSYS any website or if you have information please mail it to me. this is for online credit applications project.My mail id is Thanks for your help.

Bank Of America, TD,


wat is test management ?what are the components available in test management?



who wil give the standards of testing ? iso or astm


1 3711

equivalence class partitioning techniques used in system testing or not


1 3758 you know all test cases are cover in one application? 2.what is difference between error message and warning message ? 3.what are the items comes under traceabily materix?


7 8172

How to monitor test progress?

3i Infotech,


What can you tell about the project if during testing you found 80 bugs in it

3i Infotech,


Post New Manual Testing Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are bug leakage and bug release?


What is defect validity ratio?


What do you do (with the project staff) when the schedule fails?


please send me database stored procedure checklist.


Which testing model is best as per your understanding, and why?


write testcases for open dialogbox


What is the difference between coupling and cohesion?


HI can i know who is taking real time testing classes in banglore? i am preparing to put 3+year experience in testing if possible anybody give suggestions for preparing 3+exp


1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example


I studied MBA, I want learn any softwarecourse, which course is better hadoop or testing tools(manual+selenium?)


What is XML Testing? Do we have any tools to test the XML? Please let me know.


What is meant my Firewall testing? how the testing is performed on it?


What is the difference between Sleep and wait in winrunner what is integration testing and types of testing present what is system testing what is data driven testing what is functionality testing if requirements are given to you then how do you write the test cases for it Account number = Ok cancel For above given form the valid account number starts from 1 to 1000 so is it necessary to input the 1,2,3 ….998,999,1000 test cases to check the conditions of valid account numbers I,e is it compulsory to write 1000 test cases for the above form


what is difference between win 98 and win 2000 poertating system?which is better one?


When first time we are testing the screen then we have to write that this screen should contains so & so columns [ suppose there r 10 columns on that screen]in the expected result