Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what do u know about ERP , INSURANCE DOMAINS?

Bartronics, NDL, TCS,

2 7625

can any help the difference b/w incremental integration testing & integration testing & system & funtional testing

1 4999

diff b/w regression, re-testing & repeative testing

1 3590

diff b/w alpha & beta testing? who will do this with examples? can u pls help in this topics

3 4702

what is mutation testing? when it is use in the phase?

FSS, Synergy,

4 7447

can anybody tell me what is the difference between bata and alfha testing?? and sanitary testing??qtp testing


3 6570

If the developer rejects that its not a bug means then whats the next step we follow?

Logica CMG, Wipro,

11 31712

I Want to know for the different fields For e.g there are 6 different fields and menus, How much possible test Cases can be written there is any calculation?

2 3826

please any one can sendthis q answer HOW DO YOU EXECUTE THE TEST CASE?

2 4032

1. what is a difference between test plan and test strategy?2.What is the test plan is different from the test strategy? then how?

2 5094

3. what's the difference between the smoke and sanity testing. 4.Who test the sanity and who test the smoke testing? why?

7 7427

If I have Date Calender on every screen Should I have to write test cases for date calender for every screen?

1 4014

What is Traditional testing & Object Oriented testing?


How do we do Database testing?. How does our knowledge on SQL is useful in Database testing?. Please explain the process if possible.

2 4691

Testing Methodologies


2 2995

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

structure of an incident report is covered in stand for software test document IEEE 829 and is called as?


What are the main key components in client and server applications?


a newly launched web site is hosted on web server.It is expected that 100 people visit the website every hour and browse 30 pages spending a total 15 minutes. what is the maximum hits/sec that the web server should support this load?justify your answer. need urgently. by rimesh


1.Enlist the types of testing performed for any window in sequence? 2.Use of edit_get_list function 3.Accuracy & Precision


Write the 10 high test cases for making video call/face time


What ishigh severity, low priority bug?


pl. give me the list of top jobs website to register i have 2Yrs. Experience in manual testing


When to stop testing? (Or) how do you decide when you have tested enough?


consider therez 1 land and it has mango trees in it, what are the tets cases or how will we count no of mangoes on all trees


Hi Friends, I want to know the best institute in hyderabad which is giving training in 'SAP Testing' and who is the best faculty. Regards, Imtiyaz..


What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?


what is functional testing terminologies


How to write test cases for nevigating menus? Ex. Course -Topics -Subtopics


Do you think tools are required for managing change. Explain and please list some tools/practices which can help you managing change.


Negatives test cases of gmail login page With its severity , priority and expected results columns Through test case template-oodles technologies gurgoan