Automation Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the main use of reviews

Ordain Solutions,

2 4117

How to open an application through scripting in QTP? Give me Syntax and example please

2 4793

How can we automate Capthca on registration or any contest forms ? Is it possile to Automate Webpages with Falsh using QTP..?

1 3404

how do we add a new sheet to data table in QTP?

TCS, Wipro,

7 38343

How can i post the results to a site once i Run the test Set In TestDirector?

Ordain Solutions,

2 5089

What is mean by ARGO testing? Can you please explain anyone


What is mean by ARGO testing? can any one please explain

1 4212

How to execute the WR Script through QTP? I have WinRunner script with initialization script, common scripts, GUI AND functions. I connected WR through QTP with "call to WinRunner" option but I am getting problem after connecting to WinRunner i.e. showing "Do you want to quit now" with 'yes' and 'No' message box



How to identify the particular item in dropdownlist?

1 3162

Can we compile the .sbl file?

5 6393

1)what is the quality process in QTP? 2)how to add the .tsr file in qtp through scripting?


1 5624

Where is the Bitmap checkpoint information stored?

Ordain Solutions,


How can the name of a checkpoint be changed in Qtp

Ordain Solutions,

2 7477

How to find a window is minimized or not


How can the expected image for a bitmap checkpoint be recaptured in QTP

Ordain Solutions,

2 5899

Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing }

What are the different exceptions you have faced in selenium webdriver?


How to handle dropdowns in selenium?


can anyone tell me what to say in interview when interviewer asks about "tell me about your framework in your project"?


How to integrate QTP with QC using VB Scripting? What are the prerequisites to connect with QC?


Will there be any standards or requirements for page appearance and/or graphics throughout a site or parts of a site?


Explain the purpose of gui spy?


How do I run reports from test director?


Can any one explain me what is the procedure to connect the remote desk by using QTP 9.2 ?


What is desired capabilities?


Write a short compiled module which selects random numbers?


After creating the test cases in excel and exported to td. How does test director know the headings?


What is toogle breakpoints? How does it differ from break points?


how can i sent QTP results to the Html, notefile ,xl file give me the code using g mail login page


How to perform right click using selenium webdriver?


What is throw object?