Instrumentation Interview Questions
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Somebody ask me how many size of control valve what is mean of control valve size?

2 4139

what deference between panel earth and systemearth



In control valve proximity inductive sensor is taken as digital feedback for full open and full close.Normally its volts 24v when the sensor acts the feed back voltage 14v so that our relay not indicating in plc panel . kindly give the solution.


What is input and output of vaiberation transmitter and what is its unit.


4 7461

What is input and output of plc & dcs

2 4701

What is TMR

3 8317

Where are use of pressure,level,flow switches?and what is input and output

3 5891

What is differnece between leveltroll and interface leveltrol?

2 5373

How many types of sensors are used in instrumentation & what are names


1 3074

What types of thermocuple are mostly used?

6 8562

(1) In turbine, what does term CDP, NI, NH, HSSOC, means. (2) What is the purpose of LO overhead tank in turbines.(3) An equipment is certified for EEX, IA, IIC,T6, what do you under stand by this.(4) what is SURGE, and how it is prevented, what is the purpose of bypass valve across AS valve.(5) Give 2 application of quartz crystal used for process parameter measurement.(6) what is meant by cold float of compressor shaft. (7) state four different types of flow measurement. For gas flow measurement mmscfd is the common unit. Expand the unit and specify significance of word S in the unit.(8) what is meant by Gap voltage, in vibration measurement. Normally how much Gap voltage is set and state the reason.(9) what will the new flow factor if D/P transmitter is Re-Ranged from 25” wc to 50” wc.(10) what is the usage of QDV & Volume booster.



What is the purpose of LO overhead tank in turbines.


1 2238

what is the usage of QDV & VOLUME BOOSTER



what barrier is used in process industry.

ADMA OPCO, Process Industries,

3 5643

what is meant by cold junction compensation. where it is used.


1 5231

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Un-Answered Questions { Instrumentation }

Identification of ss fittings, pilot valves, relief valve.


how to relay switch sense the fault?


What is stripper & spilitter ? Diffrence in this.?


Difference between dcs and plc including date processing and architecture.


Draw a great bridge circuit.


what is the vital subject for scoring bhel exam&what is the question pattern


With N nodes and B branches what will have a network ???


i want to find out iffco get test paper


what is the imbustion control loop


can anyone tell me about the basic concepts to consider before to start a PLC panel wiring


describe flow nozzel principle?


how do u calibrate the vacuum transmitter if it shows more reading


Draw a wheatstone bridge circuit showing supply, meter and 3 wire RTD connection


we are having yokogawa centum cs3000 dcs in our power plant. i need some of the operator guides NOT to appear in HIS0163 AND HIS 0162 but it shoul appear in HIS0164 HOW TO DO IT?


We are using Rosemount 5400 series Radar Level Transmitters in all types of Sump Applications having oily water hdrocarbon petrochemical nature. What we are facing the problem frequently is that always getting reading frezzed at some value. If we do power recycling , sometimes it is working . then making same freezing problem. If anybody faced before such type of problem and also having solution , Please give the answer.