What is transport layer and domain controller? In which system you have create domain control?
What is rfc connection?
What is the difference between – support package, kernel and sap note?
Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous transport
How client refresh is different than client copy?
If brtools is not working how you will add datafile?
What is R/3? and what is basis version?
How you will give new authorizations?
Do you know about oss what do you do with oss?
Where will you change the parameters in three profiles?
How to lock or unlock a transaction code using sm01?
suppose in the landscape there is development, quality, pre-production and production system is there. what is the route(transport route) between pre-production to production? and why?
what are the pre-requisites to apply support patch?
Explain what is luw (logical unit of work)?
What is the difference between central instance & application server?