C++ General Interview Questions
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what do you mean by memory management operators


4 11643

What is the stack?


5 8148

Enter n no. of element and delete value from desire position

1 2940

write the code that display the format just like 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1

5 5866

write infinite loop in C++ which does not use any variable or constant?

3 6278

write a program in c++ to generate imp z y x w v w x y z z y x w x y z z y x y z z y z z

4 7329

print first nodd numbers in descending order

7 23164

program in c++ to input digits and print in words


1 10222

wap to accept 10 numbers & display the number of odd and even numbers??

1 6141

You have to take 2 arrays of length 10. Input the values of array 1 from the user. Then copy the values of array 1 to array 2 in ascending order For example if user enters 9, 5, 6, 8, 1, 0, 2, 7, 4, 3 then copy the smallest element i.e. 0 first followed by 1, 2 and so

1 3267

class A { public: void f(); protected: A() {} A(const A&){} }; Examine the class declaration shown above. Why are the default and copy constructors declared as protected? 1. To ensure that A cannot be created via new by a more derived class 2. To ensure that A cannot be copied 3. To ensure that A cannot be used as a base class except when public inheritance has been used 4. To ensure that A cannot be created/copied outside the inheritance chain 5. To ensure that A cannot be instantiated as a static variable

1 7289

What is name mangling?

3 5851

What is dangling pointers?and what is memory leak?

5 41178

What are templates? where we should use it?


2 4385

Any one help me plzzzz..... i have an assignment...... that is ______*********_______ Write a program that takes an equation as a string and does the following: Solve 8 parts to achieve 100% 1 - 5 are compulsory. Input: 2x^2+3x+4=0 1) read a quadratic equation 2) print its coefficients (coefficients range is 0 to 9) 3) print the solution of the equation 4) tackle imaginary solution e.g. ( (2+3i), (2-3i) ) 5) allow spaces within the input 6) after solving one equation; ask for an other, terminate on empty line. * 7) tackle negative values as well * 8) tackle more than one values of same exponent (e.g. 2x^2 + 3x^2 + 4x + 3 = 0)* 9) use strtok * 10) print the solution in fractions e.g. 1.5 should be printed as (1)1/2 * 11) coefficient can be greater than 9** 12) values on both sides of the ‘=’ sign** 13) plot the graph of the polynomial** 14) use a compiler other than Borland** 15) submit before May 25, 2009 11:59 PM ** _______******________ plz send me c++ code at sweety.alvi@gmail.com

1 2836

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Un-Answered Questions { C++ General }

How can I learn c++ easily?


How static variables and local variablesare similar and dissimilar?


Write about a nested class and mention its use?


How many keywords are used in c++?


Explain terminate() and unexpected() function?


What is wrapper class in c++?


Difference between Abstraction and encapsulation in C++?


Describe the syntax of single inheritance in C++?


Why is c++ considered difficult?


Explain the concept of memory leak?


You have two pairs: new() and delete() and another pair : alloc() and free(). Explain differences between eg. New() and malloc()


What is a sequence in c++?


What is the difference between global int and static int declaration?


How does com provide language transparency?


What are the various compound assignment operators in c++?