VB Script Interview Questions
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what is inner join? what is outer join? what is a constraint? tell me about rdbms? tell me about acid properties?



can u test the application without add-in?

1 3345

why do u choose to go for testing why cant for devoloping


Can anybody code this problem for me in VB script - Create an array of 4 elements, increase its size to 7 elements and then find out which of the elements are prime (use functions)

2 4743

write a qtp script to count the number of minimized windows

1 4382

Am working with web application. i faced one senario. i.e, webpage having webtable having two coloumns, in that first coloumn is for serial no and second coloumn is for mac address link, now i want to get first row second coloumn value, that having macaddress as link. Please help me how to get that link?

2 4607

who will create the object?



1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 how to find using vbscripting

3 4750

how to retrieve native property value in runtime?


1 2494

How to get path of the file through scripting?


1 5295

int a=4857 i need output as 7584.without using any inbuild function?


6 8476

what is diff b/n these 2 programs 1) for i=5 to 1 step 2 msgbox "pass" next 2_) for i=5 to 1 step -2 msgbox "pass" next


5 6651

write generic functions for webapplication?like generic function for webedit generic function for webbutton generic function for links

1 6150

about vb scripting programs this type of all question& answers


Hi I am having one folder with set of text files now i want to read and write that text files data into QTP. Any help plsss.

1 3020

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

Hi, Can anyone please send me vb script examples to practice vb and also material to learn vb scripting in QTP? my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


How can you create an object in vbscript?


Explain the support of asp for vb script functionality?


when we use filter funtiom invb script(QTP)


Explain about constants in vb script?


Hello Friends , I am the new joinner of this website. I am working with Sapient ,Gurgoan I would like to ask few qurries regarding the QTP Tool of (Testing) Currently working on QTP Tool . I would like to no learn VB Script can u name some Books which i get in market. And a small issue in QTP I had 2 users right i have to login and send the document from this user to second user right. when i am send this doc some contendId number generates right. now i am loging into second user and i have to search for that contentId right i found it now i dont want to accept the document so i had an opption of check out ok i have to click on check out my QTP Code is like this Browser(" ").Page(" ").WebTable(" ").ChildItem (3,5,"Image",0).click Browser(" ").Page(" ").Link("ChecK Out").Click i new this code is perfectly right but when i am run the script i have to click on that particular contentId and click on check out but now the Problem is started the error is the document has been already checked out remeber every time my content id changes means it is the new contentId which is not been used atleast once Please help me out in this issue i am in big trouble


Explain vbscript in detail?


What is the purpose of regexp object in vbscript?


Which object provide information about a single runtime error in a vbscript?


Hi Friends Rajendra this is bhavani prasad, iam working Hyderabad. i faced one problem with qtp recording mode i.e in my application there is 100 records first we click the first record that record will be jumped to next session and 99 records will there stop the recording and run the same script .Run this script qtp does not identify the records. So plz tell me what is the solution.


i have a problem with this error(this error related edit and delete button,when i click this button in datagrid..i will get this error)"Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation." this is my code : <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="false" %> <%@ import Namespace="Sytem.Data" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Data.OleDB" %>

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Write a function for Instr(). We need to write a function that works as same as Instr(). Code or Even pseudo code is good enough for me.?


In what way program "hello world" you can write in vbscript?


How to delete a cookie using vbscript?


1. How to handle object implementation change in DP for Ex: i have login page with username,pasword (editboxes),login,cancel(buttons). Here i written DP code for login page with the help properties. My questions: 1.If properites are changing dynamically i will do (i want code for that) 2.if objects are changed dynamcally i will do (i wnat code for that)