VB Script Interview Questions
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what is inner join? what is outer join? what is a constraint? tell me about rdbms? tell me about acid properties?



can u test the application without add-in?

1 3271

why do u choose to go for testing why cant for devoloping


Can anybody code this problem for me in VB script - Create an array of 4 elements, increase its size to 7 elements and then find out which of the elements are prime (use functions)

2 4649

write a qtp script to count the number of minimized windows

1 4322

Am working with web application. i faced one senario. i.e, webpage having webtable having two coloumns, in that first coloumn is for serial no and second coloumn is for mac address link, now i want to get first row second coloumn value, that having macaddress as link. Please help me how to get that link?

2 4515

who will create the object?



1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 how to find using vbscripting

3 4632

how to retrieve native property value in runtime?


1 2432

How to get path of the file through scripting?


1 5237

int a=4857 i need output as 7584.without using any inbuild function?


6 8259

what is diff b/n these 2 programs 1) for i=5 to 1 step 2 msgbox "pass" next 2_) for i=5 to 1 step -2 msgbox "pass" next


5 6515

write generic functions for webapplication?like generic function for webedit generic function for webbutton generic function for links

1 6085

about vb scripting programs this type of all question& answers


Hi I am having one folder with set of text files now i want to read and write that text files data into QTP. Any help plsss.

1 2955

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

Explain about the functionality of vb script?


why variable name should not exceed 255 characters?


filter the array values without using filter function?


write a function to read the items from combobox of Flight reservation & save in excel (QTP)??


What is event handling in vbscript?


How to create a function in vbscript?


1.I want to establish connection with excel and also want to fetch the data using SQL queries. 2.the code should be written in such a way that in future if I want to migrate from excel to MS excess database , then there should be minimal changes.


HOw we can apply web service checkpoint in QTP 9.5? I tried it out with net connection also. But not getting success.


Explain How do you create a recordset object in vbscript?


How to capture a runtime error in vbscript?


How will you convert a string to lower case string using vbscript?


What is the use of the ‘open’ method to work with the database in the vbscript language and what connection string is passed in the same and what is its usage?


How can constants be declared in the vbscript language?


What are the naming conventions while declaring a variable in the vbscript language?


How will you get a random number between 0 and 1 in vbscript?